Dark Reality

What's the catch? I searched Canon Powershot, and saw that they take 12MP cameras for as low as $38 (maybe I missed some). So I dug out my last camera and did a search, and it seems that if they think my 4MP PowerShot A520 is "Good", they'll give me $87.50 for it. But if it's Acceptable, $66. Can that be right??

Just like with my coffee, I cut corners in cost and prep work that vastly decreases the effort required to make a good burger, without sacrificing enough quality to make me care.

Microsoft might offer marketing courses, but that isn't what I said. No, it was a course on using Microsoft Office that briefly mentioned what colors are commonly used to convey when talking about themes in Office programs (e.g. PowerPoint).

I'd think a CSS hack introduced via Stylish could solve that problem. Anybody here know how to write a Stylish theme?

It's mostly a natural response in most people. Certain designs are meant to appeal to the most people, just like popular music on the radio is designed to appeal to many people, but not all. Angsty teens and hipster twenty-somethings (arbitrary labels, heh) say that this music is aimed primarily at children because

This is Design 101. I took an online course on Microsoft Office, and they briefly covered how to pick a theme based on the message you want to convey. Market research might be more detailed, but the concept remains the same.

Most likely. The name was in Cyrillic letters and I didn't consult a map.

You forgot one!

I use a lint roller on my fedora, but it doesn't really get rid of the sweat and stuff. I'm hoping somebody gives you (and me both) a better answer, though, but if you don't want to buy a lint roller and you have masking or painters' tape, wrap it around your hand — instant ghetto lint roller. Works the same, *is* the

What settings/files?

Not quite... This app is very clearly in beta. What works is very cool... unfortunately at this point it's just a proof of concept. The UI is very nice, and browsing the filesystem appears to work, but I did not try to manipulate any files. Virtually mounting my desktop PC's hard drives (or at least a pre-determined

I think the question is not whether your music is copyrighted or not, because all music is copyrighted. It just depends on the terms of the license. So what they're saying is, I can upload copyrighted music (since, again, all of it is) but in the future, if a record label doesn't appreciate people using their

They're trash. My wife got a pair in a prize pack for taking first place at a local Rockband competition. (She also won second by playing with two bands, but only took one prize pack and medal.) She never used them. One day I went to, and the left didn't work.

A bread tie works better. Even better, the plastic-coated twist ties you get with electronics. Put the earbuds in your ears, the jack in your device, the device in your pocket. Grab the slack (most of it, anyway) and tie it off. Then when you go to store 'em, grab the jack and wrap the cord around your whole hand, or

To sort of sum up and quantify, perhaps, the fears of other users here, would there be a way using Greasemonkey or possibly Stylish to just yank the image? The problems all stem from the fact that Google Images takes you to the page the image comes from (with an overlay of the image). The problem however, is that many

I like this article, but I do not see why it falls under the "Dark Side" category. There is nothing in this article that could be construed as such.

It sounds great up until this point:

Will LastPass keep me logged into Lifehacker, or will I still have to go through the steps? I know I bring this up a lot, but it's an annoyance and I have yet to hear an answer, let alone find a solution.

If you're going to follow Facebook (that is to say, you don't mind having official Facebook notifications in your News feed), it is also advisable to follow Facebook Security as well. They post about, half debunking hoaxes that get pretty big, and about half tips for staying safe. They've actually been fairly quiet

@Gregsaw Thanks for the reply, but why would I transfer my songs to his console? That would mean I'd have to have a guaranteed signal to play at home, or go without, and that's not a good solution. And you can only do the license transfer once a year, so transferring it every time I go over there, then every time I