Dark Reality

RE: Pinned tabs. Until I can pin a web app like Gmail, Facebook, or Twitter, and lock that tab to my Gmail inbox (reading an email should open it in a new tab), my Facebook newsfeed (open other pages, like other peoples' walls, in a new tab), or my Twitter newsfeed, I won't bother with the half-baked feature. I have

Snopes is not to be trusted. Either Disney paid them off or threatened them, but they have some interesting articles about Disney. For example, they rule it "false" that some disgruntled artist drew a penis on the Little Mermaid cover. They don't outright deny that there was, in fact, a penis drawn on the cover, but

Anybody know about tethering for a game console? A friend's DSL coverage is very spotty, and he uses the Xbox 360 WiFi adapter to connect to his router. We only need the Internet to sign into Xbox Live, and authorize downloadable content. We play Rockband, and a number of songs we play are on my flash drive. They only

One really important tip: Bring your own earphones/headphones. You will need them to hear the in-flight movie(s) and/or to listen to the in-flight radio. Both the jumbo studio headphones, and the little in-ear earphones, get past airport security without a problem. And you can get a working pair for about a buck. If

You don't need any funny software. Every emulator I've seen just recognizes it. And most modern PC games will, too. In fact, if my wired Xbox 360 (what does XBOX stand for? LOL) controller is plugged in, Fallout: New Vegas will straight-up ignore my mouse and keyboard entirely. It acts like an Xbox 360 game, though I

So it's like SoundHound, but not quite ready/good enough for Android yet? Because SoundHound works on Android, and if this doesn't... it isn't really a challenger. And SoundHound does all that, too — in fact, it will share its "share link" with anything Android is set to "share" with. I didn't have my uber-secure

Heh... Whenever I see the term "thumb drive" used, I think the person using it is probably illiterate. It's a flash drive. There's no real reason to use a "cute" term for it, especially when the "cute" term has the same number of letters and syllables; consonants and vowels and they're in the same places (CCVCC). So

Like I said, Beautiful Widgets, but it ain't free. It's something like $2.90, depending on rate of exchange that day. It's very nice, but I've never actually *used* Sense, I just know that that's the UI they're going for. I cannot recall if BW displays the "flip" animation when the clock changes, but hey, if you

Unfortunately, Titanium sucks unless you have a really good, fast phone. I'm talking FCs left and right, locking up, needing its data/cache cleared... oh... and it doesn't remove anything. It only suspends them. Remove the crapware that is Titanium, and all your stuff comes back. Lovely.

It's most likely Beautiful Widgets with a custom skin. It probably isn't Fancy Widgets (a knockoff) because FW also displays the battery life %, though this can be turned off.

Long story short: Samsung Acclaim, got a pair of them for about $75 after rebates. 800MHz processor, not sure if ARM6 or 7. No-go on most games.

My wife as well, plus various forums, and YouTube uploading. If a Chrome netbook supported uploading a video from a digital camera (and some basic editing — she uses Windows Movie Maker), I could probably get her set up in the bedroom or on the couch with it. Ditto for myself in a lot of cases.

Okay, if you have Privacy set to clear your cookies *and* active logins when you exit the browser, and you're still logged in, you have a breach in your privacy somewhere. It doesn't necessarily mean you've been hacked/phished, it just means you're not in complete control of your security at the browser level. Could

How about The Dark Tower by Stephen King? Seems obvious for a fan of the genre, but it's all over the place. Fantasy and sci-fi in the Old West, but on what seems to be another world, or possibly a world based on our own, like an alternate reality or something. No spoilers, but they have a city very much like NYC and

Forget automatically logging out (there are some good answers; they cover everything I would have thought to suggest)... How can I stay logged in on Gawker sites? Or is it like MySpace where they want to push ad impressions by making you jump through the hoops. Not accusing, that was actually why MySpace was set up

I'm a big fan of chopsticks. I have my own pair — nothing fancy, but they're the slick kind (plastic), not the rough bamboo kind that are better at gripping stuff. So they do require a higher skill level. And I use them for anything Chinese/Asian but rice. It just doesn't make sense to put that much effort into it. I

Laser pointer. If you want to see a cat go batshit crazy, point a standard red laser at the floor in front of it, and slowly move the dot away. You can have the cat running in circles or even up the wall. Ironically I have never gotten a cat to jump on a person by moving the dot on their pants leg or the back of their

No way will you be able to lease a netbook and contract 3G service for $20 a month. I'm reluctant to believe the $20/month for a WiFi netbook, but okay, that's what they're saying.

It really is the best browser for Android. But it doesn't have instant back/forward. If you go back, in some cases, at least, it's got to reload the previous page. Might be due to my device having less memory than the reviewer's, however; I'm sure it performs even better on top-of-the-line hardware.

Well, that's good to know. Must just be something with the installer then.