Well, it’s both ends, actually. Front, then back. I just cut out the front end (which is just before where I cued it).
Well, it’s both ends, actually. Front, then back. I just cut out the front end (which is just before where I cued it).
It was a single five-pound bag. Took him about an hour and ten minutes.
That’s real cool about your music! And you have Project2612 webspace, fancy. :o
Helpfully cued up...
Gyruss was a game I played a hell of a lot of growing up, so all that music is pretty well stuck in my head. So much so that decades later when I began fooling around with messing with MIDI-based stuff, the first two stages were probably the first two songs I ever really did.
Biden needs to do this, like, now.
Verily, fair maiden, I do enjoyeth me some Killer Instinckt!
I am glad mine speech hast thine approval, fair maiden.
Those that wouldst verily agreeth that the NES wast their child-hoode video gameing devise, knoweth and loveth Dafydd Wyse.
Tekken 3 is one of the greatest soundtracks to a fighting game ever.
One thing to be aware of: Apparently the Gamepass version doesn’t have any sort of local saves, so if you accidentally hit “New Game” due to menu glitches (this apparently happens from time to time), you effectively obliterate your savefile and lose ALL the progress.
Bought this game based on this post, cried pretty much every time it was time to say goodbye to someone so far. One character in particular hit me especially hard in the feels when it was time to let them go - to explain would be to spoil that pretty badly though.
Holy shit, I didn’t even know that it was actual audio for that “You have UNO!!!!” thing. I thought it was just a gag in this video!
Apple - a $750 computer, yours for just $1799.
You should.
Goenitz, of course.
Gonna be pissed if I don’t hear “Koko desu ka?” at least four or five times during it.
The perfect “petty revenge” thing if Volvo somehow did win would be for the photographer to meticulously and carefully photoshop the badge into “Vulva.”