Dark Pulse

Or they could’ve just hired the guys behind re3 and reVC, but nahhh, let’s sue the hell out of them and make sure that their project to make our games playable is only ever done with Joe Schmoe from the same guys who did our previous wonderful ports on phones.

Fun fact: That guy lost the case.

I’ll bet you if it was intended for pachislot, it would’ve been fully remade in 4k.

Diablo IV claims it needs an SSD too, but I’m running it just fine off of spinning rust.

Now playing

I was a part of the closed beta on the original game. This was definitely a surprise.

Wonder whatever happened to that band “Wardrobe Malfunction”...

This isn’t even really much of a story, in a sense.

The sad fact is that if you actually know how Stable Diffusion works, you quickly realize how fast this lawsuit is going to end with being dismissed - unless, of course, they managed to land a judge who would be easily hoodwinked and not understand how all this works, which is sadly possible, because how it works is

Found N's burner account.

It should be noted the power plug standard is allowed to draw up to 600W.

It's a radically different game compared to then. Not even remotely comparable anymore, really.

The fact I’m surprised that this isn’t a pachinko game just goes to show how low I think of Konami as of late.

Steam Deck should be powerful enough to handle emulating a Gamecube.

They went to feudal Japan in the third movie. I wouldn’t say this is too out of character.

I know. The point was they will be doing that for anyone who they think is trans.

No, no. Gotta remember that to a terf, if you’re not born with a vagina, you can never, ever have one.

You remember how them old toothpaste ads used to say that four out of five dentists would recommend their brand?

What the cops did are bad enough (like... a simple call with her mother and the fact they asked to be put on a no-swatting list should have been noted - there’d better be an internal investigation over this), but what the person who emailed them knowing full well that would trigger this response is even worse. Fuck

The plot thickens: That is apparently the non-flawless ending, which happens if you don’t have a flawless run. The flawless runs are apparently the true/canon endings, as they all have a theme of being your true self and facing your fears.

The company formerly known as Facebook says it’s to help pay for innovation, a move that comes as Mark Zuckerberg’s social media company scrambles to fend off the rise of TikTok and billions in recent losses.