Dark Pulse

Nah, just let one of these mentally insane people shoot up the rich private schools that these people send their kids to. The amount of NIMBY (or in this case, I guess it’s NIMF?) with these pro-gun legislators is unreal.

“So shines a good deed in a weary world.”

I’d actually watch TV again if it had even half of the amazing things Japanese TV has. Have barely even watched much of it in like the last 10-15 years because it’s mostly crappy “reality” shows that ain’t even remotely reality.

Well, there are the obvious reasons like the unending stream of blood, devastation, death, war, and horror that are a constant feature throughout human history.

Never doubt the internet.

“Hey kids, look at me! I’m cool! Just like that Play-Doh Swatch, or whatever it’s called! Play with me too!

The White House, which asked CNN to hold off on the story for several days last week declined to say when Beattie left the White House.

What do you expect out of a group of people who’d rather see women in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant?

All he had to do was say “We’re not going to make America great again. We’re going to make it greater...” and continue with his remarks. Voila, Democratic darlings and positive press coverage.

Considering that I like all my meat well-done, if the chef is going to think he knows better than me when it comes to how I like my food, then perhaps he should be the one to clean up what I spit out when I start gagging if it’s undercooked to my tastes.

It’s starting to happen, definitely. That’s actually a pretty good example.

Reagan, of course. The rich will reap the benefits, and those benefits will trickle down to you...

Hey, while you two fight, can I get one of those fancy bottom-filling beers?

They’ve moved on from Yayoi engine literally years ago (the last game to use it was Artificial Academy 2, back in 2012-2013ish?) and onto Unity, so frankly, I think you are giving them a little less credit than they deserve. (Mind you, it’s still Illusion, but they’ve definitely stepped up in the tech department).

I read about that, yes, but well, it obviously has a reputation for it, especially when you got spinoffs where you literally look at the girls on a beach and such.

The main problem is that often a game fails to be both.

Generally, I believe that as long as you aren’t hurting anyone, and you’re critical and understanding enough about why you like things, and why other people don’t, you can go right ahead and enjoy whatever you like.

Thank god this fucker doesn’t cover Buffalo and Niagara Falls (we got Brian Higgins).

LeBron can’t even be original in his program title.

Today on Fox & Friends: The latest on the wall, repealing Obama’s overreach of law, and Joe Arpaio on Presidential Reacharounds.