
If you kill actual creatures, you can loot their meat, which you can then use to make potions under the crafting menu.

I bet that added delay when switching from the handheld to the tv is actually caused by the tv, and not the console itself. It tends to take many tvs a second or two to detect a signal and begin displaying it.


Seriously though, the blistering difficulty was what made F Zero GX so damn fun.

Git gud son

of all the Star Ocean games and they don’t bring back the best one (Second Story)

You misunderstand the AE-86 purpose. Forced induction is the last it needs.

Seriously though, screw the guy who decided to put a precision platforming dungeon into a game with such mushy, imprecise controls.

I know, fucked up. He should go to jail for that.

Worth mentioning, all of these promos and commercials are usually exported somewhere around 24 if not always at 24fps (the cinematic standard framerate). So when you see the gameplay looking choppy, it’s because it’s most likely 30-60fps gameplay that’s being chopped down to 24fps to match the commercial’s framerate.

Player 2 has entered the game

That’s being generous. I can see it being up to leaving Midgar. That section takes a while the first time you play it. At least it felt like it to me.

You may have been the Dreamcast of your time, but you’ve given me classics and fun time with friends.

This is patterened off DDII on the NES, which is the definitive version of DDII. The arcade version was a dud.

Needs more Bimmy


You’re dumb.

She fell down the stairs but then he changed his story and said she hung herself on the stair guardrails?