Maybe its Maybelline
Maybe its Maybelline
Maybe it’s not a Toyota Celica with a GTR driveline. Maybe it’s a GTR with a Celica body (inception music)
When I was about his age I’d go to Toys R’Us after school to play Goldeneye on their display N64.
It’s crazy remembering that this is a real thing that we’ll be playing soon, and not just some mythical hypothetical object from the future. Guess that’s what happens when you launch early in the year.
You, sir, need to check your facts.
15 hours in. Man is this game great!!
BRB, checking my kids old stacks of Pokemon cards in the closet.
THANK YOU, was beginning to think that nobody got the reference...
I’ll buy it at a high price!
Shut up nerd.
What’s this “park” that you speak of? You put it in neutral to save wear on you left leg.
This must have been a
I understand this concern. Believe me, I don’t take posts about fan games or translations lightly. Particularly with Nintendo. Who I believe are flat out irresponsible and unreasonable with their litigations.
Please just stop. Every time these get posted you all but guarantee that a C&D will be sent. People who want to play these types of games know where to get them... if you don’t sorry but having these types of articles on places like Kotaku is quickly making it much much more difficult for those of us who do know where…
I did it to offend you specifically.
Pssssh I managed this back in 2011 with a Raptor....
Clicking on articles to state that you don’t want to read them is an interesting way to spend one’s time. Most people just ignore the article and pay attention to other things, but you? You’re special!