
Thank you. I rather enjoy that movie, but it isn't a proper Constantine movie. It is a good flick though, and I never felt like the post-credit sequence was weird. Chas dies, Keanustantine goes to visit the grave, ad then finds that Chas as come back as an angel having earned his right to be a half-breed protector of

No lie, I'm not ashamed to admit I would totally watch a movie called Vamprechaun.

Wasn't there already a season eight of DS9? I coulda sworn there were books detailing it that came out not that long ago. I mean, sure, the books were never considered true "continuity", but if anyone was hankering for a Season 8 of the show, they pretty well could already find one.

The first season was admittedly weak, but it figured itself out in second season (largely by ignoring Marco Polo almost completely). It was a good watch so long as it focused on Kublai Khan.

No Blacula? Fuck that, I'm out!

I'm sorry, but Darkman should get the runner up award. it's bug-nuts carzy, but has one of the best lines ever delivered by Liam Neeson:

Hey, if we want to get really technical, the Seven Years War was an even early world-wide conflict between the most of the various nations and spread across five continents. There are a number of huge wars like this that all would technically qualify as precursors to World War I and II.

This scene is great for the tension, but as far as actual creepiness and horror, nothing beats the emergency room scene with the head that detaches itself, grows spider legs, and scrambles away. So fucked up.

I would watch the shit out of Gun Man Run Fast. I'm putting it on my Amazon watch list…

Holy shit, he really could. Good call.

I was torn about whether or not a new food section on the AV Club was necessary. This article, however, justifies it completely.

That's the part that irritates me the most. I know it was just because they wanted to save money and condense the seasons down to less discs, but if they could have just packaged the seasons in little clamshells, I could have arranged them as I saw fit and had the tv movies in the proper order. Bleh.

I love the Herr brand chips, although most people think I'm weird. They're a great flavor, and I do love pairing them up with dill pickle flavor chips, too. It's like a grill-out day in my mouth.

It is surprising to me that a discussion of Canadian bands didn't list Our Lady Peace, even just as a passing mention of bands that have crossed over to the US.

Average people own less than 100 DVDs? Jesus, what have I done with my life. I lapped them by, like, 26 times at this point… It's dawning on me that I may have a problem.

"…but Hansen will anchor the show from New York City—an odd choice, given
predators’ history of invading L.A. and tussling with Danny Glover."


Hey, you're right. I hadn't clued in on Ballroom Blitz, but it was in both movies. Huh. Now all Suicide Squad needs is the "super happy ending".

Shit, I forgot they were making a Flash movie. I was sitting here, trying to wrap my brain around putting the movie Cyborg in the CW Flash, which intrigued me for the shared-universe implications, but having it be the movie instead makes more sense.

Honestly, i would have been happier if it was the original version of Bohemian Rhapsody, if only so it could have had a third strike at topping the charts. Again. Only song to do it twice the way it did (from original release and Wayne's World), so there's no reason to think it didn't have a shot at a third time.