This is a minor point, but it’s not exactly true to say Michigan taxpayers will be primarily paying for MSU’s legal fees since state aid only covers about 1/5 of the school’s expenses, with over 70% coming from tuition and fees.
This is a minor point, but it’s not exactly true to say Michigan taxpayers will be primarily paying for MSU’s legal fees since state aid only covers about 1/5 of the school’s expenses, with over 70% coming from tuition and fees.
I feel like you did not make your point very clearly, but now that I do understand it, it wasn’t a very good point to begin with.
Who the hell are these non-sports fans paying for full cable packages in the year of our Lord 2017? If you don’t care about live sports, cable offers you almost nothing that you can’t get much cheaper on a streaming service.
The policy is problematic because what is and is not a “political statement” is always going to be subjective. And since I’m pretty sure they’re not kicking out fans for saluting the flag or wearing a “support our troops” shirt (both pretty clearly political statements), the policy has an inherently pro-status quo…
They must not teach logic at KU, because that is not at all implied in the OP.
The refs closely watching their every move with flags holstered and ready just takes it over the top.
This critique is equally valid literally every time anyone criticizes anything, because no matter how justified a reaction is, there will always, always be someone somewhere who can be said to have “overreacted.”
This makes a lot of sense since being a fun-loving individual and genuinely caring about social causes are mutually exclusive, amirite?
Saying I don’t consider him ballsy isn’t exactly damning him to hell. Good on him for realizing now what most sensible people knew before last November... I guess.
The people in Wyoming would still have the exact same proportional power as the people in every other state. Right now they have extremely outsized influence.
Ballsy would have been not being a Trump megadonor in the first place. Locking arms now that he has ensured he doesn’t have to worry about his tax rate going up is not really much of a sacrifice.
When the “squeaky clean” way to use that cash is to funnel it into unnecessarily ornate, ostentatious practice facilities, locker rooms, and living areas they can access exactly as long as they’re valuable to the program, I have a tough time getting too worked up over the shadiness of some of the money potentially…
Trump’s America: where a company deciding not to give ad money to racists and misogynists is PC “snowflake” culture run amok but Kap getting blacklisted for a respectful silent protest is something to applaud.
I wish them luck fixing the problems in the health care system through compromise with a group of people who dismiss the very concept of pooled risk (i.e. insurance) as Marxist tyranny.
If Dems worried a little bit less about optics and not saying/doing anything that might be used out of context in an opponent’s ad, it wouldn’t be so easy for the GOP to convince half the country Dems are all soulless, calculating bullshitters who are trying to destroy their way of life.
The founder of the religion is on record as having created it for the specific purpose of enriching himself by exploiting laws protecting religion from government interference. It has clearly been a scam since its inception. That may or may not be the case for other religions that have achieved mainstream…
So instead, Mixon gets to control everything about his pro day, avoid answering questions he doesn’t want to answer, and his fate will still be decided 100% based on whether he can help a team win. This is a completely symbolic gesture, and it’s not going to change any GMs decision about whether he is worth the bad…
Don’t worry. Even ignoring the lack of political will for it, conscription no longer makes sense for purely economic reasons. A conscripted soldier with a few months of training would be virtually worthless with today’s military technology.