Dark Mantonio

Nonsense. I’m guessing you’ve never tried to break up a pass running full speed while the receiver is running full speed in a different direction.

I think your beef might be with the nature of the sport rather than Deadspin.

It also ignores that the crew was awful the entire day, and until that admittedly-soft PI that kept MSU in the game, ASU had definitely gotten the benefit of most of the horrible calls.

I will never stop being amazed at the cognitive dissonance necessary for someone to post a wall of text on Facebook whining about the marketing decisions a shoe company makes, or a player’s decision to peacefully protest during the anthem, all under the guise of being *opposed* to the supposed epidemic of people

This is a pretty inexcusable mistake, and the article should definitely be amended to add this relevant detail. If it doesn’t, it’s likely because it makes the whole article seem pretty foolish.


Narrator: the score was zero-zero. 

If anything, it would have happened way sooner.

As a former member of an official student section, you are completely inventing this supposed double-standard. “Official intervention” to stop stuff that affects the TV watching experience, or otherwise annoys people, is something that happens pretty regularly, even to annoying male superfans. Find a better hill to

This is a really good point, since I’ve never once seen a belligerent man get kicked out of a sporting event, or asked to stop doing something that is affecting the enjoyment of those around them. Nope, literally never happens.

He always had jokes that pissed off Christians and right-wingers, and made fun of some of their nonsense, but I never considered him one of the “woke” comedians who market themselves as such. He always seemed to be pretty equal opportunity when it came to what he would joke about.

Credit for, at the barest of minimums, going one step beyond the “to those I may have offended” route, and issuing something that can be called an apology.

He is very useful to those who put him in positions of power - he’s the guy you hire when extremely unpopular decisions need to be made and all you need is a shameless POS who is totally cool with everybody hating him as long as he gets paid. Dude has made quite the career out of that.

You absolutely can if it’s your only opportunity you have to play in the league, because the rest of the teams have obviously blackballed you. But this is moot because there’s no way they do it, what with the whole “he is obviously being blackballed” thing.

Yes... that’s the joke. I don’t think any non-psychos earnestly consider it an accomplishment.

Stick with reddit then. 

Kneeling isn’t “acting militant.” 

Alright, now imagine what you’d think about a parent in the exact same situation, except the highly marketable skill his son possessed was, say, engineering, or singing, or ballet dancing, or literally anything other than playing basketball.

Fuck every single PoS who thinks this take is at all unique or insightful. Just post “I am an easily manipulated bootlicker” next time.

My definition of “well-adjusted” does not include people who still are “imagining alternative lives” for themselves where their favorite team won a championship more than a decade ago.