
Cell phone? When JJ Watt has a message to deliver, he just sets a fucking example and informs the media.

Reading between the tea leaves, that sure seems like the case. I haven’t seen the presentment, but it sounds like they were working with a lot of the same facts that police/prosecutors had (or at least should have had, if they had tried really hard) at the time of the case went cold.

It's a Home Depot now.

Whose grandma are you? What kind of way is that to quote an article....

When reached for comment, former rival Hulk Hogan stated, “This Snuka guilty as fuck!”

I don’t have a racist bone in my body, never have.

I did not write this letter for public consumption

Mad Chris

Police were surprised to learn that the knife was fake, as they’d legitimately believed it was real for a long time, although some of the smarter ones had had their doubts.

“Was it Sting?”

The man says he’d have married her, dammit, had he maneuvered her into the ring.

I can’t look away.

For what it’s worth, these douchebros made a sign that sounds like they want to call the father’s “Daddy,” not that they want the daughters to call them Daddy.

At my school, every dorm had signs pointing to where you were supposed to go along with some attempt at light-hearted fun/bad jokes.

AP: What the about this Goodell sketch, Jane? It looks like dogshit!

I sit down to draw this creature and it’s as if my pen can’t quite grip his essence. My mind slides off of him, as if some fell spell is cast upon him. I see him, but do I know him? He looks at me, but isn’t he just looking through me? When I draw this creature, this beautiful gollum, it’s as if all my talent breaks

It would’ve been awesome had the redemption pic just been a giant middle finger in a suit coat.

Hi honey, I’m at the ball park. You want me to get you a hot dog?

Sorry, I can’t star you for this because of the sachet/sashay error....