It’s not 26% bad, but I wouldn’t give it over 50%.
It’s not 26% bad, but I wouldn’t give it over 50%.
Re: your inheritance
It’s amazing how much character development there is between S1 Prezbo and S4 Prezbo.
If you want to test the waters, so to speak, consider getting an all-in-one (AIO) CPU cooler like Corsair’s H100i v2. It’s less of a hassle than doing a custom loop and you will get similar performance gains and reductions in temps and noise.
Do you have a Kepler or Maxwell GPU? Sometimes, depending on the hardware configuration, newer display drivers will throw your card off, especially if you don’t do a clean install with a program like DDU.
It’s either “Pink Matter” or “Bad Religion” for me (but “Pyramids” is amazing).
I feel the same way, but then I think about all the kids in the Middle East that my tax dollars may have inadvertently killed because of shitty military decisions and all I can think is “well if I have to live with that then the forced-birthers can fuckin suck it up and live with federally-funded abortions.”
Yeah, but my Pidgeot looks hella badass now.
Black-colored foodstuffs seem to be a thing in Japan, so I’m not worried about it tbh.
I want that Pop Star rice dish. It looks amazing.
I was a pretty dry kid until my 21st birthday, my experiences with alcohol being limited to communion wine and two glasses of champagne at family birthdays. So, naturally, my friends took me to a pub and bought me a (small) glass of a local/house brew, despite my insistence that their money would be better spent on a…
I love that show.
This is hilarious, I’m just posting another reply to see how much more of you time I can waste! :)
By the sound of it you perhaps teach grade schoolers in the US? Well I congratulate you on contributing to one of the worst performing education
ssystems in the developed world.
Oh, damn :/
Actually, I’m not trying to education anyone, you’re the one who instantly attacked my original comment, in which I simply wanted to point out that there is a significant omission from the article and included some factual information to backup why I thought the omission significant.
Houstonian here: I live for the day when Texas turns purple. We need that shit badly.
*laughs sardonically*