I just wanna say that, as a Buffy fan, I loooove your username.
I just wanna say that, as a Buffy fan, I loooove your username.
7-5, 6-3
You clearly misunderstand. The 1060 does not support any SLI, that means the maximum configuration is 1 card. All modern games can gain almost a double performance boost from a second card.
Unless you’re doing serious rendering projects you aren’t going to need a four-way multi-GPU setup tho. Two is more than enough for gaming, and just because DX12 makes mutli-GPU support easier doesn’t mean that developers are going to start making it a priority.
I want to get something REALLY nice so I know it will last. I dont want to settle for just OK. Its a problem
I FEEL YA. I keep reminding myself that my 3570k is a perfectly serviceable processor (especially OC’d at 4.2), but then I see my Firestrike physics scores and go “but what if...?” and then promptly slap myself across the face because my system is fine.
I am mad hyped for this. I hope it’s worth it.
That was my first thought.
Yeah, a good 90% of it seemed like low-movement inventory clearance.
Yeah, a good 90% of it seemed like low-movement inventory clearance.
He usually sings waaaaay better than this; I dunno what happened.
God, I love that song. It’s so appropriate for the Leave leaders.
She probably believes prolonged limbo is worse.
Oh, sweet! I used to be a big fan of Nerve! And then they fell off hard. It’s a shame, really.
Oh, sweet! I used to be a big fan of Nerve! And then they fell off hard. It’s a shame, really.
Uh, I was under the impression they’ve never beaten Italy at a Euro Cup, unless I misheard the ESPN commentary earlier today. I wouldn’t bet on them if I were you.
There’s a subplot where a family loyal to/friendly with the Starks has Walder’s sons killed and baked into a pie which was then served to Frey dignitaries (or something to that effect, it’s been a while since I read).