Blood and Wine, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch and the Dreadnought beta.
Blood and Wine, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch and the Dreadnought beta.
Basic pose. Their narrative is anything but basic. It’s complex, and gut-punching, and rewarding as hell.
Blood and Wine comin’ to snatch all my free time away T_T
Sometimes you just can’t get there, and that’s okay.
FREEDOM, everybody :/
It’s an agenda I support, but not with Bernie at the wheel. I honestly don’t believe he can get the results he thinks he can.
And I can’t fault you for having that opinion. You’ll vote your beliefs in the primary (if you haven’t done so already), and I hope you vote for your preferred candidate in November.
I think it’s fair for the press to question him to make sure he’s not basing his plans on her (and that, generally, his plans holdup), but Jane has not been put in play here the way HRC has deliberately chosen to put Bill in play, and generally suggesting that free college is a silly idea because Jane is bad at…
I never said this was a game about “which spouse is worse?” Even if I did, Bill wins that game hands down and I would not, nor could not, ever dispute that.
I hope so. I’m just fearful of infringing on someone’s comfort. I don’t mind it when someone does it to me, but I’d hate to do it to someone.
And you need to read more. From one of my other posts:
I made a similar comment on The Slot a couple days ago, but if people are gonna give Hillary shit about everything that Bill’s fucked up, then it’s only fair that Bernie gets lumped with Jane too (particularly with all the noise he makes about reforming higher education finance).
She co-founded the WPS Centre with William Hague, the former British foreign secretary; the position is unpaid and is apparently part of an agreement made when the Centre was created. I say she gets a pass on this.
Big, tall, white cis-gendered straight men buy sex toys too, and Babeland prides itself on being a welcoming, inclusive place. I wouldn’t worry about it.
Posting about those problems doesn’t mean he hates the place.
The downside is, it’s probably going to be the first step in another piecemeal rebuild, where I end doing the work of building a PC 3-5 times to end up with two functioning machines.