I tried to fire you anyway but apparently I’m “not your supervisor” or some such nonsense.
I loved the old Command and Conquer Red Alert FMV’s.
See and now you have me hoping for a new Red Alert or Command and Conquer game. Dag nabbit. On the other hand, Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri just recently came out on GoG so I have my live action cutscene fix for a while :D
Based in LA, reader Americo Galli’s world is fire and blood. Oh, and cosplay.
Julian Checkley is one of the best Star Wars cosplayers on the planet. He is also, as luck would have it, one of the…
From the original poster (on Reddit):
Of course I tease it. Look how fucking cute this is. I will play the hell out of this thing. I will play it so hard I’ll get arrested.
The game forever known as the one they announced right before the Final Fantasy VII remake.
Guerilla Games, long-time developers of Sony’s Killzone series, are trying something new. They just announced…
This is Unravel, an awesome-looking game that EA—of all companies—is publishing for various platforms.
why do you have so many hands tho, yo.
I’m really conflicted here.