
Fair point. I’ll take your word for it. And I admit that the few times I watched House I didn’t see him getting his comeuppance that he deserved. He irked me to no end, though.

I understand the show’s was popular but I juts didn’t get it. I’m more of Twin Peaks sort. 

The Laugh Tracks should’ve gone out with the 80s but oh well...

Yup, that sounds about right.

Right. I’ve also read somewhere that the creator is some kind of self-loather and this is was his expression of that.

I get where you’re coming from but I would punch House in the face one time after he saved my life for being a self-righteous jerk-off. But that’s just me.

Agreed. Talk about House’s little brother. Genius assholes. Who needs them?

I tried watching this years ago but just couldn’t get into it. I caught an episode that had the one with the Beatles hairdo getting yelled at by his girlfriend and because she sounds just like his mother he becomes aroused. That’s when I said, “I’m done with this.”

The show is a slow burn (like many shows today) but I’m liking it.

If you take 5 or 6 of the biggest events and either co-op them or set up a whole new one in the same area, I don’t see how it would hurt WB to at least try. And it’s not as though Warner doesn’t have the scratch for something like this.

Part of the reason events like these have cropped up over the years is that Warner Bros. rarely has official Potter events like this with any regularity—

I’ve come to enjoy Preacher, but I do agree that it may be too much of a gamble to spend the whole season in Angelville and the show isn’t picked up for a fourth season.

The great mystery of life: Why do some movies go completely overlooked?

That’s just Hollywood being Hollywood. It’s the same thing with 80's nostalgia revival. The Top Gun sequel is a go, I’ll have you know.

Don’t worry, everybody. No matter what, Hollywood will keep on beating a dead horse.

Well, I don’t know about long awaited but if the story is anything like what McFarlane has in mind then the whole thing is in big trouble.

Rosanne Barr sent out that tweet on purpose just so she could get a rise out of people and keep her name and show in the spotlight. Well, be careful what you wish for...

I’m definitely interested in this book, but I don’t see a drop date. Can someone provide this info?