
Or it might simply be that some person(s) up on high at WB/DC didn’t like the characters and story to begin with and found some reason to cancel it. It’s been know to happen.

I’ve been reading a friend’s copies of this story line and one take away from this, besides the missed opportunity for representation as already stated, is that if a lesser known writer had thought up this same story it wouldn’t even get past the assistant editor’s desk it is so bad. So I’m not sure how the story got

No worries. You just escorted yourself out the door. Bye.

And the Disney streaming service are preparing rooms in the suites for Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and now Daredevil.

I hope his last days were peaceful. 

“Mexican Lord of the Rings, but hilarious”

That’s the weirdest thing about his morons. They are so easily persuaded by the most ridiculous lies orange face and the WH come up with. I’ve never seen anything like it. Talk about sheep.

The thing is these GoT memes apply to tRUMP so accurately that its a no-brainer. The deplorables in the story are just like him.

Nice! Good call, mate.

Make no mistake. Cheryl Eddy is knowledgeable of things horror and knows her stuff like nobody’s business.

Great sense of humor! These are my kind of people.

C’mon now. I mean, SS was DC’s answer to Guardians but SS was not even close to GotG any form.

I would totally be on board with a straight up GotG knock-off Suicide Squad movie. But I do think Gunn way too talented for that.

This looks pretty darn good.

I see what you’re saying. Truly. But the fact that these other versions of Twilight Zone have been so bad, such a disappointment, at this point I don’t care who the host is. A woman. This cat. Whoever. Only please put on a good show. Please. And I don’t think I’m being unreasonable.

Overall, I didn’t like these other remakes/versions of the Twilight Zone. I gave each a shot on the strength and admiration of the original, for the quality of each and every episode. The one you mention I don’t remember because, like the rest, it didn’t have a lasting impression on me.

That’s a little dry humor... My point being that there’s so much made out of who the host is but no talk about whether the content of each episode will be any good. 

And now, let’s hope the rest of each episode is good.


They should be called (L)ICE now cuz they latch on to a person and suck the life out of them.