
What are you, a gay fish?!

I’m finding more and more reasons not to visit Japan

Requires power brick = no thanks

Requires power brick = no thanks

Does anyone know if Seagate or Western digital still give you freebie backup software that allows you to do incremental backups? Thats the most important for me as I don’t wanna pay for expensive backup software just for that feature. My old seagate has it and I don’t wanna part with it unless replacement drive has

Does anyone know if Seagate or Western digital still give you freebie backup software that allows you to do

Got my Dell U2715H last year after I won PC case modding contest, freaking best $600 I ever spent, I don’t care about 120 hertz refresh bullshit as it takes monster GPU to keep framerates that high, even a GTX 1080 which I have. But that thin benzel and IPS colors are soooooo nice and I hardly see any ghosting

Got my Dell U2715H last year after I won PC case modding contest, freaking best $600 I ever spent, I don’t care

K, go back to watching Kill Bill ya douche canoe

K, go back to watching Kill Bill ya douche canoe

Hobbit was mostly good, especially Smaug, get over yourself

Hobbit was mostly good, especially Smaug, get over yourself

Sweet! I got LOTR last year for that price so this year, think i’ll jump on Hobbit and see its extended glory at long last vs me paying twice like other chumps have

Sweet! I got LOTR last year for that price so this year, think i’ll jump on Hobbit and see its extended glory at

First problem = you bought an Aston

With enough money, it can be

At times, living in America is so sucky and boring

This is partially the reason why I got this last weekend. I need a break from PC....

I love people with musical instrument talents, amazing finger work

Useless without telling us which system its for

And America will never fucking get that body style. Fuck my useless cunt of a country....

I fucking hate that the blinking down at me all the time, wheres the Dex that just shuts the fuck up and doesn’t fly around?

Eggs don’t count period

New to Pokemon since Blue days. WTF Is the point of the plaza? Why does Nintendo not give us the option to just talk with people vs this social teasing bullshit?

Goes without saying...

Hau is like the Pinkie Pie of Pokemon. When shes/he’s high/happy, its REALLY fucking overkill. When they go sadness mode, they go bat fucking shit crazy past depths of hells insanity.