Oh shut the fuck up
Oh shut the fuck up
Got these a few months ago and freaking love em! Work great and simple, though I did upgrade my TV model to a remote model so I don’t have to get up off my ass to change the color. Makes late night movie watching and gaming much easier on eyes and sets the mood!
Got these a few months ago and freaking love em! Work great and simple, though I did upgrade my TV model to a remote…
Only had my first ever 3DS 3 months, so I’m fine....
Um, fucking duh?
Government run/funded = they don’t give a fuck
What a shit and pathetic way to die
I’ll stick with my HGST TravelStar in my PS4 with good old 7200 RPM and no SSD cache bullshit
I’ll stick with my HGST TravelStar in my PS4 with good old 7200 RPM and no SSD cache bullshit
If Scorpio wasn’t looming, I’d probably go for this
If Scorpio wasn’t looming, I’d probably go for this
No. No fucking way. That has to be fake
You have fun buying bags, i’ll stick with bagless vaccums and my cats hair
You have fun buying bags, i’ll stick with bagless vaccums and my cats hair
1. There are greener version of K cups with no plastic
1. There are greener version of K cups with no plastic
Important life lesson I learned years ago when I lost a package to a client and went through utter hell with paypal and refunding him out of pocket when it all went to shit because I saved a few bucks going with Paracel Post instead of UPS for shipping a $400 GPU.
Feminists in Seattle just started exploding around me...
Uber step 1: You need to have a significant other first before proceeding.
Oh how the great and mighty fall and fall hard and fast....
Shut the fuck up Libtard and get used to it for the next 4 years.
I used to work for Software Ect *before Gamestop merge* waaay back in the glorious late 90's. I had the best boss still I ever had. The company wasn’t pushy about making sales, it really only wanted to make people get the savings card and get magazine subscriptions and wanted reservations when possible.