Aaaaand there now backordered
Aaaaand there now backordered
Aaaaand there now backordered
Aaaaand there now backordered
You damn kids, back in our 2000's gaming days, we had to wait for gaming magazines to give us gaming demo’s on CD and we LIKED it!!
You failed to eat the call!
Nice, I got a Asus STRIX 1080 earlier this year to replace my 980Ti for Battlefield 1 and Witcher 3. Well worth it
Grabbed the last $25 Smash Bros at Target probably in entire state of Washington. I lucked out I think due to the fact that the sale tag had fallen off and regular price was showing and one remaining cartridge in display case. When I asked for price check, it was still $25, bingo! New game for my new 3DS!
Did Wal-Mart midnight black friday last year with my now ex. They had people come inside which resulted in total chaos when midnight rolled around as people had hands on stuff to call dibs. But hey, we were at least freaking warm
Wal-Mart actually “forced” use to not leave the store during Black Friday by putting out a lot of food in the breakroom and such. It sorta worked, but you felt like a fucking caged lab rat at times
He’s always had it
Thats not very american of you
Worked Black Friday at Wal-mart during college in electronics.
Shut up Beaker
Cause shes not Deadpool
Can always go back to COD
Get a life
Took me 18 years to come back to Pokemon since my first and last Gameboy back in 1998 with Blue. I’ll waste no further time stupid shinys
After 5 times, I was like “Fuck this, lost 30 minutes that I could have spent leveling up my fire pussy cat”
As an old school gamer of nearly 30 years who’s seen, played and owned most of it all, I still prefer good old physical REAL ownership of my games but the days of Steam’s incredible deals for software has its merits, but Eshop has a long way to go before its that level.