Darkest Timeline Zack Morris

It’s fine to criticize Smoltz as a broadcaster, but you can’t hold him to the same standards as an actual journalist or beat writer. Smoltz is a guy who just drops in once a week to talk about a baseball game, it’s not as if he’s a member of the permanent press. 

I love that Tucker’s serious face is the human equivalent of a dog discovering that you did not in fact, throw that ball.

And why didn’t he, the largest friend, simply eat the other five?

Dear Baker,

That signature Carlson look where he’s trying to decide if he just let go of a small fart or if he just shit himself

Adrian Peterson told reporters, “That was a new one for me. It was different.”


Between Mary Jo’s fastball and the Pennsylvania grand jury report, that’s going to be a lot of retired priests.  

Probably just the ghost of an unvaccinated child.

Mitch McConnell has equal measures of integrity and chin

People want him to be the pretty boy or the bad boy but he’s a weird indie kid at heart, I think!

Have you seen The Lobster? He was actually phenomenal and hilarious in that too!

Colin Farrell is deeply underrated. In Bruges made me a lifetime fan.

Hey Meghan McCain, who is funding The Federalist?

sexual orientation is a protected class, political affiliation is not. It’s actually a pretty clear and obvious difference

That’s an awfully slow response time by Milwaukee police.

Lewis’ words cut so deep he’ll have to throw away another suit.

Couldn’t bring himself to utter the words “shame on me.” Wonder why.

Remember when we thought Bushisms were as dumb as it could get?