Darkest Timeline

Christians who advocate abstinence no longer need to go on about the ‘Sin of premarital sex’ they just need to hold up a picture of Trump and tell the little boys and girls to envision Trump when they get a sexual urge. This will eliminate teenage sex and sexually transmitted diseases.

I’m not a Biden fan at all, but to be fair our future President decomposing on stage is probably preferable to syphilis ravaging the mind of our current President.

Centrist need to really up their game.

Coffee has started to give me the shits. 

What purpose does Meghan McCain serve? Does she have any discernable talent outside of being John McCains daughter? 

Time for an Elizabeth Hassleback comeback.

That would require Democrats not to peddle in respectability politics, and they aren't capable of that.

At this point in our history, why don’t they just come out and say it: ‘we are wasting taxpayer money on a luxury hotel (lol) for our convenience there is nothing you (press) or the public can do about it, so everyone just shut the fuck up.’

You’re a fucking moron..

Political correctness gonna amok. 

And my comment was also a joke that went over your head. Looks like a career in comedy is not forthcoming

“We’re always going to have a presence.”

It is the Italian club, not the MLS club. Come on man, don't be clueless.

Well the Lakers scored the jackpot with the DeMarcus Cousins signing.

“In reality, she has nothing.”

She’s a constitutional monarch, she {correctly} has no authority.

Side show Bob. And I can't believe PSG once paid $50,000,000 for him. 

There are like 50 of them and outside of two of them (Warren & Sanders) most are shit. So yeah Luck would be my third choice.

But doesn’t Trump already face a primary challenge from the Former Governor of Massachusetts (who probably has a better chance in the Democratic primary). Also how is running from Trump's right on a platform of decency gonna do anything. The Republican base likes the fact that he's a racist asshole. 

Joe Walsh to primary Trump.