Darkest Timeline

Ryan Grimm had done some interesting reporting on Nancy Pelosi a couple weeks ago, she won her seat in a primary against an opponent to her left.

This period in our history will be looked back upon as a stain.We are all complicit. We all deserve condemnation. 

I can see it now: Ben Shapiro attacking Bernie for being a Jew in Name Only. 

I know you’re not a fan, of Bernie or us Berniecrats. But kudos for identifying the correct villain in this scenario: these insanely rich assholes (Billionaires).

Cue, the inevitable: "sexist." "Russian spy" or the newest and dumbest of them all "dirtbag left."

“ I hope all the centrists are happy with Madam Republican-Lite dragging the party into irrelevance.”

Throwing the poor of welfare, imprisoning people of color, and the newest problem solved: fixing the migrant crisis by creating concentration camps. 

Alex Acosta is a piece of shit, and will be {Hopefully} fired in the next few days. With this administration you never know though.

I think if you ask an actual Socialist if they considered Obama a Socialist, they would slap you in the face.

I’m the eyes of Conservatives, America can do no wrong in the way of foreign or domestic policy. I know it’s delusional.

Pelosi is in the middle just as much of the rest of the Democratic Party. Get out of here with this Pelosi is a leftist and trying to corral a moderate Democratic caucus.

He also paved the way for a truly amazing great President, Bill Clinton. 

I know the woke liberals consider any criticism of Nancy Pelosi to be sexist, but it needs to be said. She is thrash.


Sidenote: If Boris Johnson becomes PM of the U.K and the current incompetence of the British Conservative Party continues and the UK crashes outta the EU, that in addition to Trumps stupid trade war is gonna plunge the world economy into recession.

I wholeheartedly approve of the statue. May it stand forever. Melania Trump, making the ultimate sacrifice.

Shes the Mitt Romney of the left, says one thing to appease the base but switches up if it is politically inconvenient (Federal government forcing busing, abolishing private insurance).

I on the debate night, said that Kamala, Bernie, Elizabeth Warren should be carrying the Progressive mantel.

I would take a bullet for my cat before both Pompeo and your dog.