One Beat

The mane thing is that there were no injuries.

Bleedin Nuts is a gelding.

Now playing

This whole album is fantastic. I came across it via a week or two ago it caught my attention thanks to its fantastic name - “Stranger in the Alps” after the creative safe for TV edit of the Big Lebowski - and the fact that Ryan Adams had helped “discover” her. Needless to say, that whole story has changed

I think the only solution is for your firm to take Terry Tate in the next office draft.

UPDATE: Got a great deal on a hotel room through Priceline!

He’s at least three, probably four children.

I greatly appreciated the game.  It was nice for a change.  We watched Bill take Goff and Gurley and render them useless.  We watched Wade Philips make Tom Brady look relatively pedestrian.  In the end, we saw one heck of a chess match.

I actually enjoyed it. It was a chess match and BB was 3 moves ahead every time. And I HATE the Patriots. If the Rams had been able to stop Edelman, the final score could have been 3-0.

I am confused on why the general consensus is that the game was bad. Are we, as a whole, really that enamored with offense that we cannot appreciate the defensive game that just happened?  This was not a bad football game, it was a great defensive game.  

Who’s the new guy?

Drew, give us your undercover reporting of BIG HOSPITAL!

I know Jake Delhomme didn’t play for the Cardinals, but spiritually, I really feel like we should add him to this list.

Similar to Ricky Williams who retired do to some hip chronic. 

Is anyone tracking all the Trump questions of the week and their answers? Because I feel that’s a very important document to leave behind for future generations to let them know what it felt like to live in the Time of Trump.

Ex-Dolphin coach re-porpoised.

Gregg was blindsided by the news.

Fixed that for you.

Can’t wait to hear what Bob McNair has to say about this one!

I’m just wondering how he got the idea that it was easier to kill someone in the UK as opposed to the US.

Goodell: Who’s to say these retired NFL players didn’t develop their CTE from curling? We’ll never be able to say for sure.