
Why would he want to do that? I don't know, maybe he has a mouth full of Cheetos and wants to type out his Wolfram Alpha query with one of his non-orange-cheesy-powdery fingers.

Apple has never talked about the amount of RAM in an iOS device. So how could it be a "marketing scheme"?

Maybe because even if you are not "true multitasking" and not using all of these features (whatever they are, unless you are saying there is a long list of cpu intensive non-optional background tasks bogging the Android phone down) on the Galaxy S II, the iPhone 4S is still faster. (Plus the iPhone 4S' graphics chip

It's not just swapping the battery, you're actually paying for the battery itself :)

I don't understand. Do you think lithium ion batteries have an unlimited amount of recharge cycles? $100 is about avg price for a battery similar to the iPad's. A Dell netbook battery direct from dell costs $129. And you won't get a "new" (externally anyway) netbook along with it.

If you reference a relative for the first time, I believe it asks you who that person is (maybe makes you identify them in your contacts?) Then it remembers for that and future conversations. I think Running Mix is probably just a Music app playlist.

I think he means a way to talk to Siri without speaking (you could do this in the Siri app).

At least it has great HTML5 performance. Try any of Microsoft's HTML5 demos on their ie mobile site. Smooth as butter ~60 fps on an A5 (and not bad on an A4).

Maybe eventually. But they never even put VoiceOver on the iPad 1 or 2. And I'm sure it would be easy to add and useful for some for playing music, etc.

I think calling something "laggy" compared to other Android devices and "laggy" compared to iOS or WP7 is a different thing entirely.

Safari is one of the apps that always did "multitasking" even on pre-4 versions of iOS. It stays open in RAM unless the OS needs to kill it as one of the last resorts (I think it still gets killed before Mail, and probably Mail before something like the music player).

In a way though, even the Android phone manufacturers aren't offering the option across their product line. It's not like I can get a 3.5" phone with the same internals as the Nexus Prime or Galaxy S II for that matter. They've obviously decided that bigger is better (for better or worse). If i want a compact phone

Well articulated. That's what annoys the hell out of me- not disliking a particular device or another- but launching personal insults at people who buy or like a particular device. "iSheep" comes to mind. Of course, no one is a "sheep" for choosing a phone because it has Android or "sheep" for running a Windows PC.

If anything, it will probably have a bigger screen but the body of the phone will be the same size, minimizing the reduced "thumb reach".

Heh, the way people talk on blogs you would think that everyone who bought a Droid Bionic a few weeks ago would be ditching it for the Nexus Prime when it comes out. After all, anything with higher paper specs automatically supersedes everything previous and turns it to unusable junk ;)

By no means is it a "very small upgrade". I'd say it's a "fairly large upgrade". It's just about everything an "iPhone 5" would have been internally. Much faster CPU, massively faster GPU, nice upgrade to the camera, antenna upgrade, twice as fast max network speed (if you're GSM), and of course access to Siri.

RIght, he probably meant to say "scaled".

Buyer's remorse after an entire year? Might be different if an LTE iPhone was due out in December or something.

But the Metro UI is still going to show up for many functions of the OS, it's not like you click a button and it goes away and you never see it. Hit the start menu? Back in Metro-land.

So maybe they will also charge $29 for it, like Apple? In any case, Apple has not been making a new OS every year, it's been closer to 2 years for the last 4 releases.