
Probably, but what stops them from lying to him, or convincing him to lie about it?

iOS developers are usually pretty quick to update their apps for things like this, especially if they have the kind of app that makes sense for it. Hell, developers themselves are pretty excited for it to get their apps working this way (source: me).

Please contrast with how Google behaved at IO. Do they not proudly introduce new features that happened to be similar to ones in iOS for years? Google went as far to highlight “Project Butter” a few years ago, making a PR statement and branding about a glaring flaw in their OS. Quit with the Apple Hater tunnel vision.

Meh because Apple introduced them I presume? Those are pretty great features..

I think we're a long ways away from a wireless helmet though, if we're still talking about using it like a PC monitor- since you want extremely high frame rate, pretty high resolution, and the lowest latency possible. I don't think any consumer wireless display tech is up to that task.

Looks fine to me, I'd just ditch the bun & if it's quality beef, no problem :)

I see my response may have assumed you used Android, but your previous response suggested iOS. Anyway, the notification pane is in the same spot for both of course. :)

On the 6 plus, maybe. On the 6 (and obviously any smaller iPhone) it's not that big of a deal, (and I have relatively small hands) because it doesn't take much accuracy to produce the gesture (you can reach for it and swipe).

You're aware of TouchID right? Right now, it's a sensor that needs a dedicated, appropriately sized circle to scan your fingertip. Making that part of the home button was a great idea, you can unlock and authenticate instantly with one motion.

How is that different from just putting the app icons you want on the first screen and leaving the others on screens "you don't swipe to"? Your note about specific email should be doable, at least with 3rd party mail clients (widgets can tell their host app what you tapped on so the host app responds accordingly when

I disagree with the author that widgets are useless just because he doesn't think to go into Notification center... Now there's a reason to go in, no? And yes it's hard to reach with one small hand, but how does *that* make it useless, unless you only have one hand... Or unless your definition of "useless" is

Perhaps an industrial meat included diet destroys the environment. But so does industrial plant (e.g. grains) growing. Arguably the American (I don't know where you live but I'll use the US as an example) diet is a plant based diet - a grain based one. Most of our calories come from some kind of processed corn or

I've had similar very good results by eating more meat and fat and mostly ditching grains. (was a mostly non dairy eater already after my teen years). I think we're evolved to eat vegetables and meat, occasional fruit.

Well have someone like Adrian Peterson come out. I can't see them firing one of the best running backs in the league (provided he heard anything, of course, and disagrees).

1) The iPhone battery can't be "hot swapped", sure, but it isn't extremely difficult or expensive to replace it. And let me guess, you have no problems with all of the non-Apple phone manufacturers using similar battery setups, right?

I'm sure you find that "A7" thingy to be a joke too. Those silly guys at MAC thinking they can engineer anything!

Is the Galaxy S5 released? Because the iPhone 5s is. Really, check www.apple.com if you don't believe me.

Too bad for you that it still wins in most offscreen benchmarks too (though by a smaller margin and not in every test - gizmodo should've showed those instead). But it's not Apple's fault either that competitors are putting in GPUs that can't handle the screen resolution of their devices.

Heh, whenever I pick up an Android device and use it I always think it feels "slower" than any remotely contemporary iOS device. It's not a huge difference, but the Android browsers still don't seem to respond to resizes and swipes as well no matter how many cores or MHZ are in the thing.

About the same battery life, but with a massively more powerful CPU and GPU- that's the point.