
But wouldn't soapy water wash away dirt and oils and whatever else away with it, thus carrying away much of the germs?

Was that ever actually put into practice? Is it in writing somewhere?

"How would they react to a "WET" channel?"

Yeah, this is pretty funny. I didn't even notice it was happening until I read this article (I know it was one of the advertised features, but it changes so little from the way I normally used the Mac I didn't notice). Basically a bunch of whining over nothing, unless someone can show some real world scenario where

I don't quite understand your reasoning that just because planets may have formed at the same time, life subsequently must have formed at the same time, and evolution to a sentient species must have occurred at the same time. Why couldn't an alien race be 1000 years ahead of us? How about 100,000 years?

So is Lion supposed to be "simple" or is it "too complex"? :)

How can you have multiple tabs open at once? Anyway, if Mac OS X is "drifting" towards what you say, it's gotta be a *really* slow drift, unless you think 10.7.2 or something is going to block non-App store apps from being installed. I'm going to say they're never going to allow only App Store apps to be

Thank the Techy Gods that Apple's biggest competitors often "relieve you of the horror" of having to ever install an OS upgrade on your device ;)

Or you'd have to get an app like Air Sharing to hold a non-"iPod/Music App" music library where you add songs via WIFI.

So, by your own admission, the SE w580i had the feature before your Samsung Galaxy S, and that's OK. But somehow the iPhone is wrong for also having that feature after the SE w580i? :)

I think people are saying it's too tall proportionately. And it's exacerbated especially on the Xoom with its sub-par (compared to the iPad) screen, where you're forced to tilt the device more in portrait mode to make up for the poor viewing angles. And it's "too tall" for documents to fit in a usual way (3:4 is a

Of course, you're ignoring all of the articles showing how much more powerful the iPad 2's GPU is than its current competitors. I'd say the graphics performance is almost as important as CPU with these types of devices (assuming your GUI is GPU accelerated and you actually have software titles that make heavy use of

iOS does Exchange just fine, and can handle multiple Exchange accounts per device. It may not have every email feature that the current BlackBerry OS has, but I haven't heard any complaints from switchers in that area at my job.

Yes, i'm not sure why people think it's the case, but it's not like iOS does (or even could) leave all of those apps "open". In general use there is no need to close apps, because they will get closed anyway when the OS needs the memory they're occupying. If memory is low, other than a brief need to close some

Yes, "obviously" your opinion holds more value on the topic... You being a professional developer of a popular game / game engine...

You could use an app like Air Sharing and a browser with downloads to just put the mp3 directly into it from the internet. It even has an iPod-like (but no playlists i guess) music player if there are several mp3s in one directory.

But Notion Ink has their own UI additions - unless you're saying they will go for a complete "vanilla" build of HoneyComb and forgo all of their own tweaks. Which would be kind of a shame- to do that much development work and only have it ready for release by the time Google has something better anyway...

@Swapnil Agrawal: No, he called Froyo tablets AKA the Galaxy Tab a "scaled up android version" and he was right on that one.

@Howard Blair: Kindof odd that you included hardware in your "Apple decides you can't do it" list... I can't stand how Motorola tells me I can't have a 960 x 640 screen on the Droid 2! The cocky bastards...

@tylerf: Yes, but only better in the most minor, "make it the last thing you fix Apple because it's hardly an improvement over what you already have way" :)