
My personal theory the last few months has come from the realization that a significant portion of people at the top of their field only got there because they were pigheaded/stubborn/bullish enough to push aside other people also jostling to the top. Combine that with the fact that the patriarchy has made it so that

Raise your hand if you were a 15 year old girl who was constantly pestered by older men. The fathers of the kids you babysat for pouring you a drink. Your friends’ fathers staring at your tits or walking in on you in the shower. Your male teachers dropping hints. Strangers pulling over as you walked home from school.

One of the beautiful things about non-cloned animals and humans is that we stretch ourselves to love different personalities, different quirks, and different ways of being. This is how we evolve.

No. But the gyms that include spin classes are also crazy expensive if you live in a major metro area. And if your gym does offer spin classes, it’s usually only offered in a specific time slot a couple times a week, whereas Soul Cycle et al offer 6+ spin classes every single day.

She actually does have some posters with wine sayings on them in the office. This is the same woman who told me she had to get rid of her old CrockPot after watching This Is Us. Not because she was mad but she was worried about safety.

I just don’t get spending big $$ on it when lots of gyms have spinning classes included in their membership fees. Is there something extra-magical about a SoulCycle branded class?

Pigs are just as clever, affectionate, expressive, curious and playful as dogs. There is nothing in the world pigs love more than having their tummies scratched. They get this look of pure bliss on their faces

The thing is that most people here in North America don’t give two shits about how the animals they eat are treated. This is about a white man pushing his entirely arbitrary moral standards onto another culture.

You could argue the same for any kind of meat. It’s funny how different societies arbitrarily see some kinds of meat as okay and others as not. A friend of mine was horrified when I told her that one of my grandfathers farmed rabbits for meat. There are Peruvian paintings of the last supper where one of the dishes is

It is hypocritical for us to arbitrarily care so much more for dogs in these horrible intensive farming situations, than we do for the pigs and cows and chickens, who feel just as much pain, in farms here at home. That being said, I cannot WAIT to see Game Changers - the movie.

Additionally - in things like yoga, you need to see the body better to make sure you’re doing the positions well. I’m taking an adult beginner ballet class and the instructor told us to wear leotards or tight workout pants because she needs to see how our body looks in the positions. Is the knee extending more than it

She’s got it all wrong: Sweatpants are awesome for regular life, but terrible for working out. There’s too much fabric, so increased friction. Plus, when you sweat, they take forever to dry. Sport tights/leggings are the far superior choice for working out, from a practical POV.

As a realtor, this makes me INSANE. Why would banks not want to make more money from any customer they can find who is qualified? Were the subjects of the article sitting down face-to-face with people or were they emailing based on referrals from realtors, which happens a ton. Sometimes, mortgage people don’t even

As a transwoman who wants to adopt, this makes me so incredibly happy. I’ve always wanted to be a mom (yes, despite the stupid medical condition I was born with) and being able to connect with an infant in this way is so meaningful to me. <3

The big difference is that Mormons believe that only those who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood can get to the highest level of heaven. How do you do that? Well, you are a Mormon in good standing with a dick, ta-da! You’re totally a priest! If you’re a woman - better be married and sealed in the Temple to a man who

Everyone is problematic so I sort of understand this stance.

It is misogyny, but the white man isn’t perpetuating it, so white women feminism has deemed it to be okay.

I’m mostly excited for .. dresses with sleeves (more like the striped one, less like the pink one)! But, will they also have pockets?

Mixed feelings...love inclusion/ still feel that women wearing a hijab is the product of misogyny.