
As a vegan: This is stupid. Veganism is not about anyone's personal purity. The availability of plant-based foods is a victory, and contamination without intention doesn't dilute that. 

Ask any woman and she can tell you she’s discriminated against just because she can potentially be pregnant. I can’t count the number of illegal questions I have been asked or the skepticism I’m treated with at work when I’m pregnant as if it makes me less competent—and every young woman who says she has wants to

I'm all about this for birth control, but not for UTIs. Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem. We have to ensure we're treating real infections with truly effective antibiotics (which varies by regional resistance pattern).

As a vegan, I have such heavy eye rolls for the self-conscious insistence on the word “human” that’s carefully inserted before all of their points, because if they didn’t they would really have to face the absurd hypocrisy of what defending life at the level of sentience that embryos have would mean. They would have

I just want to plug family medicine here: I had prenatal care and delivery with them, they were my child's doctor AND mine, and they checked in with me and saw me on the spot if I needed it during my recovery period before the official 6 week check. It was a great experience that I think a lot of people would benefit

These situations are TOO relatable to me as a sleep-deprived working parent. I can barely handle my anxiety just seeing these headlines, and I walk my children to daycare.

This is missing a HUGE component of this stigma: desire for a large family.

These things always make me angry so I don’t know why I ask, but: A medically pelvic exam? Required by the state? How is that not asking me to effectively assault a patient? What the hell is the imagined point? You’re just sticking a speculum up there, shining a light in, and being like “looks fine in here, here’s the

God bless my family doctor, who I selected specifically because she was fresh from residency (on top of the newest practices) at a high volume practice for deliveries. She asked about a birth plan, and I said I trusted that if something like an episiotomy needed to be done it was with her best judgment. She said she

Being in med school is so sheltering because even the private practice docs who agree to see patients are often on point with the latest evidence (and even do precepting in exchange for library access that comes with being faculty). Out in the real world there are a lot of people just practicing bad medicine based on

After seeing some long term results and talking with patients who had to scrape together money to afford removals not covered by their insurance: fuck no. Never. I’m just going to learn to love my post-breastfeeding pancake boobs.

God yes. One of the surgeons I worked with gets sales reps trying to convince them to start offering implants all the time, and after removing so many for various reasons he’ll never put any in or recommend any woman he cares about get them. I assisted in a removal, and it was a disgusting mess. Like some alien drool

And frankly is a complex emotional experience of gain at another’s loss. The politics of who loses or gives up their children and who takes them are troubling. You’re looking at a really complicated ongoing conversation within your family that it's perfectly reasonable to say you can't handle. 

We have kids, so we’ve talked about the Disney streaming service, but honestly... Fuck it. This mess of streaming services might be what it takes to finally push us over the edge to being nearly screen-free outside of movie nights when we'll do rentals.

For handwriting I’m a proponent of mixed cursive—it’s much much faster than printing and involves fewer hand cramps if you’re taking notes quickly. By the nature of my generation I remember things I handwrite better than things I type, but that’s probably just what I’m used to. I don’t know if cursive should be

My husband must not love me, because he would never ever do that. The closest I get is an only moldy exasperated sigh as he cleans errant milk spray off of things. 

I had a really great experience where our state had some kind of referral social worker. I called, she explained categories and state ratings of daycares, and she sent me a list of every licensed home or center care and its rating within a specific region that would take an infant. No word on availability, but it was

If you have choices. Daycare vacancies for infants in my city are. <1%. You don’t check a daycare as much as you call around and get on 5 waitlists during second trimester and then just send your kid to whatever opening appears. Usually late after you've starter working and had to string together weeks or months of

We live in relatively low cost areas and will be paying $2400 a month for two kids. We’re actually considering a nanny because our cost will be comparable. What I really want is to live in a commune of parents who all work part-time so that we can watch each other's children and actually spend time with our kids

My solution to this has just been to refuse to learn certain things that are his jobs. He can’t get the baby to sleep on his own? No problem. I don’t know how to do any of our financial planning. He thinks Oreos are a breakfast food for toddlers? No problem. I think that duct tape is a home repair material. It’s