That’s what kills me. She really thinks describing how terrified her pet was before she killed it is going to make people feel bad for HER.
That’s what kills me. She really thinks describing how terrified her pet was before she killed it is going to make people feel bad for HER.
And even if they did, so fucking what? Someone suggesting you should behave an abominably cruel manner doesn’t give you an excuse to do it.
What’s insane is that she must have called the paper with the story. How did she not realize that this made her look like a monster?
Right?! Airlines are awful, but I seriously can’t fathom anyone in their right mind suggesting this woman kill her pet.
This story is as baffling as it is horrifying. This woman, by her own admission, chose to cruelly kill her pet. But she claims someone else suggested that she do it, and she feels really bad about it, so she’s certain she’s the real victim here.
Yeah no, this is not on Spirit. This woman has something seriously wrong with her if she actually flushed a living creature down a toilet, there were many, many other options. Jesus fucking christ.
I’m an addiction counselor in a rural area, and most of my clients are poor, low-functioning, and have low educational levels. Many of them have no transportation or internet access. They often have unstable housing.
I have a finite supply of outrage and won’t expend any on an addict with 7 kids choosing voluntary sterilization.
I honestly think that anyone, male or female, who has seven kids could use similiar advice as rude as it may be. Having seven kids while being a drug addict doesnt really make me feel bad for this lady, just her kids.
Shit, I’m just over here trying like hell to have a baby and it comes so easy for others.
I don’t know how convinced I am that the things you listed are goals instead of ‘things you do,’ per your account of marriage and parenthood. I think many people do work towards stable relationships (which may or may not take the form of marriage) and developing a healthy and happy environment in which to raise a…
I’m not even a fan of this family’s but I’m not sure where you’re coming from saying that a mom is all she’s aspired to be. They said she has always wanted to be a mom. So what? Moms can and do multitask. She’s 20 and her net worth is $50 million dollars. That’s not even just trust fund money... that’s money from her…
Who cares if she just wants to be a mom? I don’t even like kids and I think this is a cruel comment.
Judgemental much? God beware women wanting partnership and family, with men you don’t approve of!
This is a shitty comment. There’s nothing wrong with aspiring to motherhood. It’s a valid thing to want to do. You’re projecting your issues on to someone else and that’s fucked up. Get therapy and work that shit out.
I don’t thing the sentence is saying people are just choosing formula, but rather that they are choosing that particular brand of formula. The operative word is “YOUR formula.” :)
I feel like (white) feminist spaces don’t talk about how, by sleeping with/marrying/having kids with racists and bigots, those women are essentially rewarding those dudes despite them being horrible. I don’t think women are responsible for their boyfriend’s/husband’s opinions but staying with them is sure as fuck not…
White women, put your money where your mouth is. Since you are the most “coveted” by men, and hold the most ‘pussy power’, you need to use that power to voice and enact change.
Can we talk about how her husband is planning to be a stay at home dad to support her important work leading a country? Ambitious women need men (and extended family support) who are willing to play a domestic role if we are going to be able to have families and reach our goals.
Social worker here. You’d be surprised how shitty state agencies run when it involves the health and welfare of children. I would encourage you to look up Danieal Kelly. One of the most extreme cases of neglect I’ve read about. I seriously reconsidered working with kids after reading about the case. Also, you’ll going…