
Good luck with that, but do be careful - lots of those jobs are considered independent contracting rather than employment (because it is so “disruptive” to lower your employment overhead by stripping jobs of anything beyond wages). IT systems support tends to be more of an actual job with benefits category - but I’m

yay congrats! I’m 19 weeks along w my second and as soon as i saw that baby my brain went “OMG OMG BABY NOM NOM” and i somehow smelled that newborn smell.

Ahhhhhh a fresh baby!!!

They are going to regret this decision the moment that they have to start picking up Starbucks cups all over the park because people are to lazy to carry them to a garbage can. When I work my retail job I pick up at least one coffee cup per shift (sometimes empty sometimes not); and we have 2 obvious garbage cans,

And soon, Yosemite will be littered with those ugly cups...

Some quick research into the most popular books in prison reveal: both The Bell Jar and the Diary of Anne Frank are very popular. Legal guides, understandably, are also highly requested. Spy/thriller escapism of the James Patterson variety, and, (my personal favorite) calligraphy books are perennial favorites as well.

The whole “migrant/Refugee crises” (they’re two separate issues usually conflated into one) has been nothing short of a disaster for years now as the EU just doesn’t have a collective response. Germany went “welcome them all” which saw a surge in numbers making the crossings despite the dangers while other nations,

Obviously I’m not a professional athlete but I did work out most of pregnancy and I was STUNNED how long it took to get back my old strength. Growing a person f’s up your body.

You can soak them in Mason jars in the fridge, all prepped for timely consumption. I am still not clear if you microwave them to eat them, or just eat them cold.

Hillary Clinton’s emails would have converted the entire Pacific coastline into one giant mega-oilfield by now. Hillary Clinton’s emails would have personally drowned dolphins into extinction, and her Wall Street speeches would done the same to whales.

Here’s a link. Read it in its entirety if you disbelieve.

I am so heartened that so few of my jezzies are familiar with this.

First thing I thought of was this article from this site from last year:

I mean, it’s not totally unbelievable that a doctor would “prescribe” that in the 70s. It doesn’t excuse what he did though.

What do you mean? You’ve seen one crowded, polluted, stinking town...

I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine.

I’d let you watch, I would invite you
But the queens we use would not excite you

It’s a drag, it’s a bore, it’s really such a pity to be looking at the logo, not looking at the city.

Title of this article is a bit misleading, maybe. LiSF doesn’t actual say his wife is acting in porn. He just says “entered the adult entertainment industry”. That is exceptionally vague. Is she an actress? Stripper? Bartender at a strip club? Running the cash register at a sex shop? The adult entertainment industry

Not that I’m a fan of going after 82 year old humans, but the whole thing of physically altering dogs to suit our tastes is pretty awful and we need to stop doing that.