
Totally! Honestly, the declining birth rates for people in our generation aren’t a good sign of our overall health. Any politician with an ounce of real concern about the topic could tell right away that helping out with any of the issues you mentioned would go a long way. But I suspect that many people my age are in

Discussions of birth rates always get weird, but I do think this is a discussion we can have without any forced birth stuff if anyone other than Ayn Rand Creep Paul Ryan initiated it. Sometimes people don’t have children for healthy reasons, but sometimes it’s a signal that people and their families are struggling.

Okay, Paulie, if you want higher birth rates, here’s what you and your buddies in Congress need to implement:

Don’t you love it?? It’s the perfect can’t win. If you don’t have kids, it’s because you’re selfish. If you do have kids, it’s because you’re selfish. (You chose to have kids, why should I have to pay for you to have leave, deal with your crotch fruit in public, and on and on and on.)

I’ll tell Paul Ryan the same thing I tell my parents and all their noisy friends: you want me to have babies, create an environment where having and raising a child doesn’t cost an entire adult person’s salary and I’ll think about it.

So like ... can I have maternity leave? Affordable prenatal care? Any treatment for my battered lady-bits after birth? Help with childcare? (My parents live very, very far away and I really like what I do for a living.) Will my daughters be able to get jobs where they won’t be harassed by their employers, or is their

Paul Ryan is definitely the kind of dad who will walk his daughter down the aisle, cry, and say he’s never been more proud of her [than when “giving her away” in marriage].

Meh. I had a dog for 13 years who spent the first year or so before I got her eating garbage and worse. While a shelter going vegan is not practical for a million different reasons, a vegan diet won’t kill a dog or even make it miserable. My friend’s vegan dogs act no different than mine and all have lived nice long

I have a friend who will foster high risk dogs for me (large adults dogs who are less popular breeds, often not house trained and not yet having good indoor manners). He’s wonderful with them, gets them socialized, trained, and happily secure and then we send them to a forever home. He often has the dogs for several

oh I have no doubt about that. I’m not taking a flight with my kids solo to get a shining gold star for passenger of the year. I was silently cursing, sweating, and uncomfortable the whole time with anxiety and fear. I did the best I could by myself. I also understand that its no one else’s issue that I was flying

I can assure you that no one traveling with an infant wants to do this.

cool the troll is here.

Sometimes babies need to go places, too. You sound like my roommate when she says children don’t belong on the subway.

ProPublica’s series is enlightening, sad, and enraging. Seeing a trend emerge where health care professionals—even those specifically trained in OB/gyn—don’t have basic awareness of common symptom progressions, or ignore obvious symptoms for a myriad of reasons is simply gross. I remember the one account where an ER

This, in a nutshell, is why the Republican party gets more batshit crazy every year and yet survives.

I mean, he’s not wrong though. That’s the point. And I don’t think he was trying to say, but they are doing it too, why am I in trouble!? We need to constantly and as vocally as possible, bring attention to the fact, irony and hypocrisy that Republicans DO NOT GIVE A FUCK what people do, as long as they are on the

Gah, the whole Moore/Trump thing. Our ethical guidelines can’t be summed up with “but mom, everyone else is doing it”

I ‘like’ how quick and decisive their punishment was. Too bad they can only mete it out to women speaking out against trans hate, and not the officers who rape, abuse their power and use unnecessary force.