Does anyone think Trump has ever been to the wilderness and wondered at the beauty of nature? If he’s ever outside the city, he’s somewhere which is, or will shortly be ruined to become, a golf course.
Does anyone think Trump has ever been to the wilderness and wondered at the beauty of nature? If he’s ever outside the city, he’s somewhere which is, or will shortly be ruined to become, a golf course.
That’s the thing that really grinds my gears. The story that you always, always hear from these guys is that they aren’t unreasonable, or bad people. They’re just self-reliant, good people who want to be free of busybody outsiders who don’t understand their lives and don’t know their problems telling them what to do…
I’ll confess: I watch Dr. Lee’s videos, as well as those of two other estheticians. They are sometimes gross, yes, but I’ve become inured to the fluids. I do find them oddly relaxing, and I *have* learned a lot about skin conditions.
I will admit there is something of the old carnival freak show in the premise,…
I’m bothered that people get free services if they allow treatment of their medical conditions to be used on social media. That’s at LEAST bordering on coercion for people who desperately want and need treatment but couldn’t otherwise afford it.
It’s called “Whataboutism” and it’s a much used deflection tool in this administration.
he and the kid get out of there
Her DV has been well documented in the gossip sites.
In front of their child no less.
Not too surprised by this news. I think there were also rumours/reports from back in the day about her trashing Mark Salling’s car after she caught him cheating on her. Mark Salling is an ENORMOUS pile of shit for other reasons, but Naya’s got some aggression issues that I’m glad are being addressed.
Seriously, between her “bad” day and his “minor” injuries this is just an odd writeup. Unless there’s something else going on here that’s not being mentioned, this is way too glib.
Isn’t is Dorsey who had the bad day? You know, being assaulted and all? Am I missing crucial info here or is this all a weird tone for a article on domestic violence?
In front of the child? And it’s happened often enough that his instinct is to record it? Yeesh. I hope she gets some help and that he and the kid get out of there.
Yeah, I think many more customers are probably trying to get a “happy ending” (aka harassing) from their massage therapist than massage therapists are assaulting customers, but it’s terrible on either end. I found out about a year ago that one of the major donors to a non-profit my boss is on the Board of and that I…
I think this is a little stretched due to the reported statistics but a lot of my friends are massage therapists who genuinely want to help people, I feel so bad for them right now
I love my husband, but damn if I don’t miss my roommate. We have a pact to move back in together in our old age, regardless of whether our husbands are still around. Some roomie situations turn out great and into lifelong friendships!
Hello I am 37 and my roommate is my best friend. *shrug emoji*
Even though this article takes a clear anti-roommate stance, some of us like having roommates. When you have have roommates, your not stuck with the binary: live alone or in a romantic relationship situation.
“The flowers I did decorate with, I snuck out late the night before my wedding and clipped from yards or sunflower patches. We only took one or two from any given yard, so we weren’t complete jerks.”
Ask older relatives to send you what their first dance songs were, ask parents to let you know what songs their kids like, ask friends to send you what songs will get them on the dance floor.