
That is nonsense, it is a failure, marriage has always mean a promise and a commitment for a lifetime. Nobody made a contract marriage to last for xx years.

I get why people need to view things this way, it helps them cope with their own or their loved ones breakups, but the reality is if two people were together for 22 years it was because they were aiming for a lifetime. No rational human being wants to start afresh after 22 years unless the relationship is

I think he kind of says “...because I was a shitty person.”

And frequently the back of a hand if they stepped out of whatever line they were mean’t to stick to.

Women were sacred=women knew their place.

He thinks that “looked upon with great honor” means having all of their decisions made for them and not letting them have any financial power.

John Kelly would have been “a kid growing up” in the 50s and 60s. I know the old folks all tend to be a little selective in recalling the good ol’ days, but holy fucking mother of fuck, people. If a man of his supposed intelligence really believes the 19fucking50s were the glory days for women being “looked upon with

I have handled hundreds of cases over 14 years as a parents’ attorney and as a guardian ad litem/legal counsel for the child. I can count on one hand the number of cases that I thought that CYS shouldn’t be involved or wrongfully placed a child. Maybe it’s not the same everywhere, but the standard to remove a child

I hate to say it, but I agree. I do believe that CPS is overly focusing on children from non-white households, but I believe this means they need to start paying just as much attention to white “good” families as well they do to minority families. The only article in this series I really sympathized with was the

I can sympathize- it must feel terrible, and I can’t imagine- but I still think CPS has done what’s right in most all of these cases. I’d rather see them be overzealous than let a situation escalate.

CPS doing due diligence is like stop and frisk??? Okay...

Five years ago, when my daughter turned 9, we had a birthday party for her at our apartment complex’s pool. We rented out the clubhouse for cake and punch and pizza, but the pool remained open to all the residents.

Absolutely. And from my teacher friends, the complaint I hear most often is that the calls they make are not investigated or flat-out ignored.

I get why she’s skiddish and I don’t blame her. It sounds like after losing her son, she turned her life around and is hopefully in a better place now.

This! I see so much about “the school called” and the parents are furious. People that work at a school are legally mandated to report ANYTHING suspicious. Even if it turns out to be nothing. We have a legal obligation to make a phone call.

I worked at a shelter for children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse and neglect for five years, and damn near every kid there eventually told us things that had happened to them that weren’t in any of the reports (mostly sexual abuses). Working there has invariably skewed my views, to the point

My mother worked for CPS for over 35 years and she always said that it was their job to follow up on reports. In all of the situations this article mentions where there was no wrongdoing, CPS came, investigated, determined nothing was wrong and left. The woman in this case got into drugs when she had a one year old

You motherfucker.

No it isn’t. Where do you get your research?

Oh boy. Even mentioning calories now is “fat shaming” fantastic.