the Amish are hard core capitalists, and patriarchal as fuck, too.
the Amish are hard core capitalists, and patriarchal as fuck, too.
The question is, why the fuck is Border Patrol listening to a guy like this? He is clearly in need of some kind of help, but they just take him at his word when he claims that he someone is in the country illegally.
I think he is mentally ill like most true conservatives and racists. They suffer from a high level of paranoia and neuroses and, as we see in the last bit here, delusions that are either self-serving for attention or come from psychosis.
I’m a shelter worker (actual brick-and mortar one), so I know, believe me.
it’s not an off chance that puppy store puppies are from puppy mills. It is 100% the case. Good, reputable breeders don’t sell their puppies in stores.
There are strong arguments that people shouldn’t breed dogs, period. Her standards may be high, and I understand that it would result in no longer having show dogs, but there is a massive overabundance of dogs who need homes. They will be euthanized if they don’t find those homes. I would encourage breeders to think…
Umm, false equivalency much?
Spoiler alert: responsible breeders don’t sell their puppies to puppy stores. A pet store puppy is a puppy mill puppy.
Ewww, used pets? No thank you. I prefer my to buy my pets brand new so I can enjoy discovering their genetic defects.
My hometown museum has a Wiley portrait in their permanent collection and the level of detail in person is unbelievable. It literally looks like a photograph and it’s huge. “David Lyon” is the name of the piece I’ve seen, at the San Antonio Museum of Art.
Sad to say, considering the piss-poor educational system in this country, most 5th graders probably don’t even know the US Virgin Islands exist. Heck, many of them probably don’t even know their own state capital. I had a college level geography class in 2015 where a shockingly large amount of people could not…
Usually I see this post too late to comment, but I am enraged by it every week. My mom’s story would sound exactly like this, that she was a good mom and every external force in the world separated us - it was my dad’s fault, it was the neighbor’s fault who reported her, it was my fault for telling my teacher I didn’t…
It’s interesting that you say that. When I read the story, I felt awful for McCabe, and I think that as a society we need to do a better job with incarcerated people in general. But without knowing all three sides of the story—the foster parents’, the kid’s, in addition to hers, it’s difficult to say if the foster…
Thanks so much for sharing your perspective on this. I know that the purpose of this series is to highlight the parents’ perspective in the system, but having worked on the “child’s” side of the system, I think the children’s stories are necessary to give a complete picture.
I’m an adult now with a good life, but I was a child with a mother like the women in these stories. She was stripped of her parental rights by a Midwestern state in the early 90s. I don’t know how much you all know about the Midwest, but for my home state to decide that a woman was not fit to parent, her behavior had…
We adopted our daughter by a young woman who was incarcerated and gave birth in prison, a relative of mine. It was very stressful and painful for her to give up her parental rights (we did not ask her, she asked us) but she also felt relief once she knew her daughter would be in a safe, secure, stable home surrounded…
We all make jokes about growing up to be our parents, but it’s really true. For all the talk of people escaping the faults of their parents, most never will. There’s a reason other than genetics and poverty why crime, mental illness, abuse, neglect, etc run in families.
And for what it’s further worth, I think it’s actually fairly hard to model “positive masculinity” in a purposefully segregated environment, because the very desire to create a single-gender environment usually says something about how you view women, and that men can’t be MEN unless all the delicate, kill-joy…
Are you in the US? Because that is illegal as hell.
Becoming a doctor is a grueling process. Though women dominate in some categories, like pediatrics, committing to a…