Nah, they’ve been doing this for years.
Nah, they’ve been doing this for years.
Ugh all those people in that dumbass lawsuit against Vibram. Every shoebox has directions for how to adjust SLOWLY to wearing them right on the fucking lid.
The Waltz is an 18th century upstart!
This! This is why people hurt themselves when they read a book on barefoot running (and decide its what they must do immediately without any kind of preparation) but have been heel walkers their whole lives.
Bald has never been a deal breaker for me. Bald is only creepy when they do that Donald Trump combover or they grow it really long in the back like 80s Michael Bolton. Otherwise, bald but close cropped like Will or Woody Harrelson or anyone else like that is A-OK and still pretty damn hot.
I think this kind of comment is rude and unnecessary. My best guy friend is losing his hair and he is pretty self conscious about it and there’s really nothing he can do. He has it cropped short right now and honestly looks fine. It’s not that big of a deal and I think it’s kinda shitty to actively try to make men…
Whenever I think of Harvard I’m like “There’s a school with way too many black kids.” Keep fighting the good fight, you dicks.
I work in a library, and we have lots of older people who chat at the reference desk just to talk to a human. Many of them are very interesting! I love talking to them when we are slow on weekends.
I think loneliness is a bigger deal on the coasts because as a rule chit chat is not encouraged. In the Midwest you can have a 20 minute conversation about the weather or some local team. In the South they track you like a wounded animal if you don’t exchange pleasantries.
And then the breakdown in the car after she finds out her necklace is fake and realizes Judah didn’t tell her about the offer from VIM. Like, that’s how it happens, at least for me. Infertility stuff happens and I’m fine, but it all comes out once something else bad happens.
The restaurant “Miss Carry” puns really hit home. Becasue that’s what it was like, these little things, people’s unrelated comments, that just dug into your loss in ways no one else knew was possible.
I was lucky in every way with my miscarriage, except for the fact that it happened.
2 days ago I got a scam phone call on my mobile...from my mobile phone number. I was calling myself, like something out of Lost Highway.
It seems to me that most spam calls spoof the Caller ID. For example I notice that many of the ones I get come from the same area code and prefix as my cell number or my Google Voice number. So spam calls could appear to be coming from any random number, and therefore there’s no way to block them. Am I right here?
Yup, there’s a lot of MY children were taken away from ME in these stories. I would much rather hear from kids who had gone through this and could give their opinion in hindsight.
Very true. I had a girl who was raped repeatedly by her Dad (as was her brother- 6 at the time and I had to bring him to court and sit and watch him testify because he trusted me) who evidenced his desire she told me by wearing a bathrobe and she could see the rise in it. Mom actually watched.
I mean more after the fact and years later, and while I acknowledge it will be traumatic regardless simply due to the huge change I think that the biggest issue here is the lack of hearing how the kids are affected at all. Which is a huge problem when this is about child abuse.
I can definitely agree with that. If my mother read Jez, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see her story here, telling about how her teenage daughter went to the system and lied about years of abuse in order to get out of her house. 25 years later, she still maintains she never raised a hand to me, outside of a…
I found the second story very interesting since it does mention the biases people have to deal with in the system, and the father also admitted his own faults when he realized his kids felt they had to parent their own addicted parents and how he’d tried buying their love until realizing their own behavior was the…
Boats are the cars of the sea