
(although [Emma] Stone tries a little too hard to play a bombshell)

The first space-warping drive will be labeled in Chinese. What's the Chinese translation for "warp drive," I wonder?



It'll happen to you too. And that's if you're lucky.

Why isn't all sports journalism this clear and concise? Kudos.

You're talking about a Twitter account, right? The 2012 equivalent of an AOL floppy disk, right?

I like everything Wes Anderson does. I even like his ads. Feel free to direct all your incoherent anti-tweeisms at me.

I've often thought to myself, in a secret place in my heart, that an astonishing number of action movies are so poorly edited that you can't possibly follow the action...which is presumably the movies' reason for existing.

You childless people don't understand

I still think something weird happened to Burton around the time of Mars Attacks! That movie should have been the surest of sure things. To this day I don't understand why it didn't work. Aside from Tom Jones, of course.

I admire your analytical instincts here.

I guess there are probably people who think this isn't a worthwhile question, or that it's harmful to discuss — but I've legitimately pondered this question for years, without coming to any reliable answers.

I know I signed up properly, but your newsletters never make it to my mailbox. Have you considered shipping them in plain brown wrappers?

isn't it likewise kinda culturally imperialist to set up a supply chain of women from poorer countries in order to provide relatively wealthier young men with sexual services?

She went on to found the much more streamlined People's Party

Amazing to note that first-round opponent Air Force wound up giving BC its tightest game in the NCAA tourney.

Promoted for your outstandingly rigorous approach to a question that merits careful analysis.

Yes, thanks for this.

I admire your analytical instincts. I wish I'd developed similarly precise habits of thought earlier in my own life. But I started my career as a journalist, and a lot of journalism relies on preserving certain analytical ambiguities in a text — or at least not inquiring into them too closely.