
Honestly, the pared-down complexity for SupCom sounds amazing since the unit list is so ungodly huge (The techtrees were damn posters iirc), but the flipside of that is that usually you had a total of 5-7ish unique units in a given area (Factory, Shipyard, etc), and then each of those archetypes had 2-5 versions of it

Yeah. I really wonder what the game would have been like if Heroes had been limited to the campaign, or only optional for multiplayer. After a certain point some of the heroes meant that all of the strategy and tactics in the world meant diddly against a Level 10 Tauren Chieftain or Paladin, and I feel like that

I'm not saying take a core unit away from the armies (Seriously, I might cry if Terrans lose classics like a Marine, Siege Tank, or Battlecruiser).

I was thinking Xel'Naga or Hybrid might work, as those are already in-universe and wouldn't need to be shoehorned in.

Nah, it's a fine idea. WCIII showed that 4 factions can work fine (5 if you include the Naga, which, let's be honest, should have been a playable faction in multiplayer with the release of Frozen Throne). Each faction had a unique flavor without overlap of roles or specialties (The different between Alliance and Horde

I'm not even a huge fan of DBZ and now I want to start playing Xenoverse.

That's cool and all, but if I had seen that image by itself, sans accompanying title/article, there is no way I would have said it was from any game other than WW.

Yeah, she's basically a Space Marine + Samus.

Yeah, it just seemed from the way it works that it would be to aggravating to use to be an activated ability

Ummm, what about her 'R', "Wailing Arrow"? I think you missed mentioning that in the main post.

I know eventually, when I have kids, I will have spanking as a possible worst-case-scenario punishment option.

Suppresses the sound to a less-damaging level; That's what the majority of the replies above seem to be suggesting. One person did mention flash suppression for night hunting, to which I would still think it would have a visible flash that again makes me wonder how the dumb critter wouldn't notice it.

Sorry, was it not a suppressor?

Is that seriously a suppressor? What in the hell kind of dumb critter are you hunting that you can use a rifle that looks like it was stolen from a life-size GI Joe figurine and yet it won't flee from the only-slightly-less-deafening report a suppressor would provide for that monster of a firearm?

For fans already thrown by the idea of multiplayer-only Fable, this might not seem like the most reassuring news, but it certainly appears that Lionhead aspires to the Valve model of free-to-play as opposed to, say, the Candy Crush model – or, worse, the increasingly prevalent "paymium" model, where a developer asks

a constant flow of 3-4 games being built at the same time in one company

Most AAA game teams follow the same growth pattern. During the early phase of development, a small leadership team works together to establish the core vision for the game. When the game moves from pre-production to full development, the team explodes in size as tens to hundreds of programmers, artists, designers,

As someone who was unwittingly credited as the mapmaker for the game maps for the old Red Baron, I personally loved the older style of printing all kinds of treats to go in the gamebox.

I kind of love it when groups of people troll MOBAs with their profile names...