At the same time, I actually would be more ok with DLC if I get some sort of physical doodad to hold and feel like I'm getting more "value" from as a result.
At the same time, I actually would be more ok with DLC if I get some sort of physical doodad to hold and feel like I'm getting more "value" from as a result.
Reaper of Souls was the last actual honest-to-goodness expansion for a AAA game I can recall; Were there any others within the last few years?
So.... a Glass Floor?
Sad that I can't find SaltyBet...
I would not have guessed Runescape, of all the MMORPGs, would have had such a relatively-large following.
I wonder if some sort of fatigue or endurance mechanic would help balance that? Like if Humans started off the match with a faster move speed or higher health, but as the match wore on these gradually declined, making it so the vampires would win it by attrition if they survived long enough. If you wanted to keep the…
Is it possible to do the same thing with Fox's reflect, or does that get overloaded?
I still have to say I like the villager Treepotato better:
Now THAT is a sexy plasmagun.
"Brothel of Slating Intellectual Lusts"
A Star Wars total conversion for the space-based 4X strategy game Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion, based on a similar Homeworld 2 mod called Star Wars: Warlords.
Oh, I was a child of AoE2. I did eventually play the original series, but it was far afterwards.
I read the manual cover to cover, as it has a lovely paragraph or two for everything.
I think WoW doles it out better than earlier MMOs, but I still think the go-to example for scaling these rankings and titles in a way that makes sense should go to Elder Scrolls Online. They really need to be honorifics tied in no way to level, and rather organized the way most titles and such were organized: In a…
Really? I know the RTS games repeatedly had huge lumps of story that revolved around particular characters, and while certain (Maybe even many or most) stories in WoW might not single out the player's character, I'd bet that there are at least a dozen or more major plot/lore points that involve the player alone, which…
See, this is the MMO story model that makes sense to me. Despite it's failings, I really liked the premise of the Elder Scrolls Online in that everyone was various degrees of background folks, but if you got powerful/famous enough, you could take leadership roles in a realistic fashion. That I have absolutely no issue…
Normally I'd be totally fine and dandy with that.
[...] it really recognizes and emphasizes the awesomeness of you, for having saved the world five times over. They call you champion, hero, and best of all, Commander (Mass Effect style, in a very good way).
Exactly. This is why I have an issue with WoW, but not with something like Fable. In Fable, you're the only PC there is, and so there's no cognitive dissonance of having other chosen ones running around. In WoW, I can be one of thousands or millions of "Saviors of Azeroth" or "Slayers of Deathwing," which not only…
The big issue is that SWTOR is the one and only successor to the Knights of the Old Republic duology from a decade ago. But those were single player RPGs, and SWTOR is an MMO—with all the baggage that comes with that.