
A traditional "big fantasy orchestral soundtrack" that stands apart thanks to its odd, grand arrangements.

This. I like this.

Yeah, Strike Vector has been on my wishlist for a while now, but my desktop that has a crap internet connection is the only thing powerful enough to run it...

Yup. I'm looking for something fast, relatively intimate in scale, and of course damn pretty looking (I doubt E:D would have trouble with the last part)

Even then, I was still hoping for something a *lot* more action/combat oriented.

Oh, it's definitely better than EVE from what I can tell. I just can tell it's also not as appealing to me as something akin to a Hawken-level of complexity/action spaceship game.

I guess what I'm looking for then is a COD-in-SPAAAACE game. I personally really enjoy Hawken more than Mechwarrior of any iteration, so I guess my ideal game would basically be a Hawken-in-space type of affair.

No, this is Elite...4 or 5ish; I never really kept up on the numbering.

Any solid word on when that's coming out? I'd prefer to actually play the full version of what I'm plopping my cash down for, and from what I've seen, so far they have a fancy hangar, a limited dogfighting mode, and a whole lot of continued scramblings for cash.

I've seen actual gameplay stuff too, and I'm just not wowed by it. A whole lot of flying, not a lot of shooting, and what looks like it could be very, very tedious trading/banking. Plus, absolutely no indication I've seen so far of anything resembling a single-player storyline or engaging missions besides "Transport

I'm actually glad I saw this one, b/c I'd been considering getting it due to the trailers I had seen. Now, seeing that it appears to be EVE but with 99% less spreadsheets and first-person cockpit view, I think I'll pass.

Altering those things even a little bit can have drastic changes on the way the level flows.

Is it just me, or did the underlying structure of the map remain the same (Same doorways and cover, for the most part), and just got prettier graphics?

So whenabouts can we expect them on carriages?

Like, activate it normally to use it? Or register it somewhere?

Like, activate it normally to use it? Or register it somewhere?

Crap, just got one of these during a binge on Cyber Monday stuff. Here's hoping they might decide to extend the Google Play deal to purchases then as well.

Crap, just got one of these during a binge on Cyber Monday stuff. Here's hoping they might decide to extend the

The entire game is fantastic, but for me the pure-goosebumps moment is after your bumpy arrival in Mexico, when you hop on horseback and start riding through not-Arches-National-Park. I think they even queue up the music for that first bit as well, and it was simply breathtaking and exhilarating.

In film school, we were actually forbidden from using sound in our early projects. Teachers explained that if we began relying on sound to establish mood, our cinematography and editing skills would suffer. Sound is so powerful that one frequent piece of advice I've heard given to indie filmmakers is "save your budget

What the hell is this creepy-ass thing from?

Damn. Well, iirc there aren't any dialogue trees, and the game basically hits you over the head with indicators for where to go and what to do, so I think as long as the language is there, I might have to give that a shot.