
I remember I was watching my dad play the Beta, and the first time you find one iirc was onboard the Covenant cruiser, at the top of a ramp into a room after opening a door. He had apparently gotten ganked the first time he encountered it, so this was punctuated only be a muttered "Oh shit" before he started throwing

I will shell out good money for a Mechassault and Crimson Skies HD remakes, provided they let us customize the damn mechs/planes this time.

One entirely unanticipated bonus to the ability to switch between old and new graphics in Halo 2—just like in Halo 1's first re-release—is a tactical advantage. On the surface, textures, shadows and lighting have been added and modified. Certain design liberties have been taken overall, but that means that enemies are

I don't even play online multiplayer, and that 800 ping (in milliseconds, right?) has me with jaw on floor in disbelief. Hell, even a ping of 250 I've found can be hard to deal with, and I can't imagine what it would be like to attempt to play with 800.

Honestly, I am absolutely loving the surge esports has been having, what with the publicity for MOBA and EVO tournaments and the showing of MOBAs on ESPN (Albeit on their digital channel).

Well, It's kind of hard to do that when you were playing a demo disk that came without a manual.

I liked the auto-aim, but found that my favorite strategy as a child with poor fine motor skills was to take a Balmora (Was that the name? The red one with tge fuckoff-huge rear turret), load the back half with armor, and give the turret the bigges gun loaded with AP/Explosive mix i could, and proceed to find enemies

Afraid not. I've played bits and pieces of most of the Rogue squadron games, and found that they're too simulationist imo for Battlefront-style frentic arcade fun, but on the other hand not simulationist enough to recreate (for me at least) the fun of X-wing

Yup. It even indicated it with the various lights and icons (The 3 red dots and one green dot near the upper center of the console indicated laser shot pattern, currently in the one-at-a-time format).

One time, somehow, I managed to shoot down an imperial star destroyer. It took me a good half minute to register that it was gone and that I hadn't just glitched through (iirc, there was a blind spot for the turbolasers underneath it, and I shot the hell our of the most-exposed part, which happened to be the belly

Some people got a demo disc with no instructions.

Yup. Classic 1 shot from each in a circle with little delay, alternating diagonal linked shots with slight delay, or all 4 at once with a second or two delay.

That...that is amazing.

Because I got the CD as part of a 6-pack set of demos. It only had 3 or 4 missions, of which I never got past the 3rd, and no instructions to speak of.

Man, the first time I booted up Mechwarrior 4 with one of those bad boys, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. That and Crimson Skies just never felt the same on consoles afterwards to me.

Honestly, it's almost older than I am, but is probably the hands-down best X-Wing simulation game out there.

I remember the first time I figured out I could not only change my laser shot pattern, but also the orientation of my shields I was speechless for the next fifteen minutes. Then I found out you could change the Engines/Lasers/Shields levels, and wondered if I'd somehow peeked behind the curtain and seen the face of

I know, but they still can clear a room with auto-hit spells, and nothing is stopping them from burning several lower level slots to throw the missiles downrange while still keeping higher slots available for stuff like Power Word Kill and Meteor Storm.