
It’s been an honor to work with Kirk for the past seven years. Kirk’s love of games and his desire to communicate about them with readers shines through his work. I’ve valued that a lot, but I’ve valued just as much, if not more, his love of writing good sentences and paragraphs. Anyone can write about video games,

That doesn’t work. You gotta get on that superliminal shit.

Can’t wait for polio to make a big comeback. It’s so retro. 

Your comment is ignoring the nuances of culture in that regard. Especially as it relates to the “gamer audience.” Chinese/Korean(and international) demographics in general do not have the same history of gate-keeping within their own countries as western ones do. Cultural gate-keeping is inherently much different when

Honestly, from the perspective of a black person, I’m 100% okay with them not being constructive.

A lot of these concepts are easy to understand, easy to find and easy to teach. But for some reason people who claim to be “smart” continuously ask the same questions, continuously tell us we are wrong about race(and

It’s astounding to me how these nerds are screaming themselves into rage-comas because a phone toy isn’t directly marketed to them.

Holy shit, Gamers are trash.  Just don’t play it if you’re that mad.  Christ...

Nor should they expect it. I agree it’s a bad idea and not what i want. What will i do with this turn of events? Not play it and maybe check out Path of Exile. This Gamers Rise Up bullshit is just embarrassing. They don’t care how angry you rage on reddit. They care if they don’t make money on it. No amount of reddit

It’s a start, although I think he needs to look a bit more “weathered”. He looks almost elvish in that shot, like Thranduill from the Hobbit movies.

And you have no idea how many toxic comments I’ve had to dismiss from men on this thread. So many angry men who refuse to listen to women when they discuss how they experience the world. 

I care what women think, but I also am aware of the fact that, as women, they all know full well that I’m wearing makeup just like I know that they are. Keen-eyed ones can probably tell which products I use. These arguments all seem to hinge on some desire of ours to “hide” our “true selves”, which is probably true

My general experience with men is that they will feel entitled to comment on and pass judgment on my looks no matter what I’m wearing, no matter what I’m doing, just in general no matter what. It’s up to men to be less entitled and shitty about women’s appearances. It’s not women’s responsibility to change themselves

No, true confidence is not needing the advice of a half-wit man like yourself to know my worth in the world. I have confidence in myself because I know who I am, and I own who I am. It has nothing to do with makeup, or my appearance at all, because not all women are that shallow. Take your MRA bullshit somewhere else,

You do not get to tell me what makes me confident about my own appearance. Especially not under the harmful false pretense of a “progressive” stance. What you’re implying here is that women have so little agency of their own, that the ONLY reason we wear makeup is in seeking the approval of others, and men

THANK YOU. Oh my god I hate this shit. I’m a lesbian and I wear makeup; it’s fun to do makeup and it’s fun to not look exactly the same every single day. It’s not a mask behind which I’m hiding because I’m not confident. There is not a single man in the galaxy that I care to impress

I’m not angry at all, I just don’t appreciate when people tell women the way they might like looking is a “lie” and that if they like to wear a lot of makeup then they need to get help for it.

Makeup it self is a lie on how you really look, so it makes you less confident on your natural appearance.

Lol ok buddy. Re-read his comment and come back to me. Especially these parts:

How the hell is what he said beautiful? He essentially called every woman that wants to, and enjoys wearing makeup, ugly and that their appearance is a lie.

It’s one thing to prefer women who don’t wear makeup. That part’s fine.

Look, I know I’m officially old as dirt, but all these women are gorgeous. Have standards of beauty changed so much as to have become completely unrealistic?