The Dark Prince

I don’t disagree with your assessment (I remember feeling embarrassment about Harper and how he was stripping Canada of everything that made us something on the world stage) but I will say that as a Canadian, coming to this site and others like it, feels me with relief. It reinforces my belief that you aren’t all

Don’t laugh. As an American, this is humiliating. Every childish, bully thing he does is a reflection on us, as a people. The outside world doesn’t see Americans as this split thing of people who voted for Trump and those who didn’t. They see us as one nation who elected this asshole (and there is no better term for

Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

that’s the fucking box art.

Jesus. Who let that asshole out of the country?

He’s trying to drive a wedge between Germany and the US, because that’s what Putin wants.

What a fucking idiot.

“Reverse racism on United flight as orientals force honest, well behaved American patriot off plane, refuse to speak English!!!!!”

“Free speech hating Orientals force elderly patriot from plane!” Would be my guess.

Well, I just checked with my mother, and it appears “being a knuckle-dragging, ignorant redneck asshole” is not one of the recognised side effects of diabetes…


Eh, I grew up in a violent household and 99.9999% believe men should never hit women, but in this case that bitch deserved it IMO. Fuck racists and bigots. If your ideology considers other people to be sub-human and beneath you then that is a violent ideology that IMO should be met with violence where appropriate, and

This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the

FUN FACT: It’s remarkably easy to voice your discontent with a website without leaving this dumb as nails comment.

I think we’re really reading too much into this. She’s wearing a white dress. She just didn’t want to get Cheetos dust on her hands.

Any married man knows that’s not an “I don’t want to be at this party” swat, that’s a one step closer to divorce swat. She’s miserable just being next to him no matter where they are.

There will never be a technological leap that gets us past this. They are adamant that God controls your body. The Bible (i.e. their rules) are what you need to follow. There is no substitute. There is no solution other than their own. It is absolute and fundamental.

I suspect that any headline involving condoms may be a territory where “breakthroughs” might not be so cheerily welcomed.

Anything that gets us past the never ending abortion Red/Blue, back and forth is a blessing. Tired of defending and believing in a woman’s right to choose while still not being crazy about intentionally ending a pregnancy. Been praying for a technological leap that gets us past this.

Al Qaeda is fighting ISIS. Guess we should give them top secret intel too.