The Dark Prince

You call it emotional, I call ‘being human.’ You’ll note that I describe spending time trying to be cynical about it, so I understand your reserve here. It’s not cool to feel things and all that, especially not on the internet. My biggest worry posting this was exactly that: being ridiculed for being honest in my

In English usage, redundancy is usually defined as the use of two or more words that say the same thing, but we also use the term to refer to any expression in which a modifier’s meaning is contained in the word it modifies.

It’s a beta, people. Not a demo. Christ.

SF5 isn’t finished yet either. This is the beta. Because you didn’t realize this, I’m going to go ahead and assume that you just wanted to complain about a large developer because it’s the hipster thing to do.

Why’s this a screw up when the beta objective was actually test the Network infraestructure?

I was looking forward to playing the game... but, oh well, I guess that’s what Betas are for! :)

The Fallout 4 date was announced on June 14th, the day before E3 officially started. Tomb Raider’s date was announced the following day, at MS’ presser. They should have done the one smart thing and just not announced a date at all. Games get delayed all the time, had they NOT said a date no one would know any better

That’s entirely untrue, though, because those 3-4 months of “disappointing” sales (a “mere” 4 million) quickly turned around and the game ended up one of the biggest releases they had last console generation, with the Playstation versions in particular outselling the Xbox versions.

Jesus Christ, what a massive fucking failure on S-E’s part.....

Not only did they put it on the console with lowest install base, but they’re doing so “exclusively” for an entire fucking year AND releasing it on the same goddamn day as Fallout 4.

They’re just shipping it out to die, if I were anyone Crystal Dynamics I’d

What don’t you mental midget get....MS came along and bought exclusivity for a game that was 50% if not more completed and had been announced as a multiplat....Street Fighter 5 WAS NOT HAPPENING, Capcom was not thinking about it, had not been planning it, development funds had not even been set aside. A FACT which has

Jesus Christ NO MS did NOT fund the Tomb Raider sequel and it is NOTHING like Street Fighter 5....MS came in with their checkbook when Tomb Raider was already halfway done to buy time exclusivity period FACT.....Sony is literally funding SF5, Capcom and Ono have said that there were no plans for SF and they weren’t

But, but, but how will I get my platforming/action/puzzle fix with an Indiana Jones theme until then?!

Parent’s basement.


How does he make a living. That is an insane amount of time.

>internet tough guy

There are several “expansion-sized” mods for Skyrim out already. Falskaar, Wyrmstooth, Beyond Reach, The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal, Moonpath to Elsweyr, etc. The Forgotten City looks competent enough, but nothing particularly special, either. And, personally, I’m always a little nervous about mods that announce their

That kind of subscription model is absurd and would absolutely not happen. I'd stake money on it. The only company I've ever seen that disables applications when you stop paying is Adobe and their subscription service was made as an alternative to insanely prohibitive price points on industry-grade software. Microsoft