Why? Because they were both gay?
Why? Because they were both gay?
Low crime rates are the norm in East Asia, so low incarceration numbers are too. What isn’t is the labor camp in Xinjiang form of it.
You’re the guy who was interviewed by the FBI about an assassination attempt right?
Companies don’t use Pinkertons like that anymore, they learned from events like Blair Mountain. What will workers do armed at an Amazon warehouse?
Yeah. How.
Yeah, anyone claiming that “we all knew this was coming” is awfully bad at lying. If it weren’t so, then where was the preparation for the gas price turmoil which followed, why were France and Germany still selling weapons to Russia right before the invasion, why were the Ukrainians themselves criticising the US for “…
Yeah. It’s been the GOP playbook since Gingrich, Obama realized that in his second term. There is no aisle to reach across.
It’s the worst. People are even expressing nostalgia for the Bush years, and that’s hideous for a million reasons but also understandable.
Which the smart ones know. Germans didn’t know the full extent of what they were getting when they voted for actual nazis.
No you don’t.
I don’t know why you would assume that some people don’t already know these things, and since I have no way of proving otherwise, you might as well believe it if it makes you feel better about not already knowing these things - though I will point out that it’s an odd looking copy paste which is neither chronological…
There was a fan theory for a while that ‘Pepe Silvia’ was Charlie just misreading Pennsylvania on the mail.
The (English, natch) Daily Telegraph gave her brother space to write about how she was betrayed by the American justice system.
Well played. That’s what I get for copypaste without double checking. I concede.
You tell em Whiggly
Remnick’s one of the good ones. His Ali book was anyway.