Darius Raqqah

America The Book had a formula for media coverage. Something along the lines of 1 dead American > 12 dead Europeans > 50 dead Mexicans > 300 dead Arabs > 2000 dead Africans.

So long as it avoids the Fallout 3 and 4 problem of having the game world somehow be less advanced than the societies of 200 years before (don’t @ me if I’m not that up on the lore), where maybe somebody’s taken the time to actually remove some rubble, and plant some food in the ground (3). Enough decent sized

That’s about a third of the commentariat.

Federal elections only, and intent isn’t taken into consideration.


Is that the editor of the Washington Examiner?

He’s not a fascist, he’s a hotep. They’re not the same.

You definitely wouldn’t?

What a sliding doors moment Bush and Florida was. Set in motion a train of events that blew the post Cold War ideal out of the water completely.

Thank you. I’m going to read both of these later when I have a chance. Interesting sources. I must admit I’m a little skeptical of the Washington Examiner - they have spread the conspiracy theory in the past that Iraq had WMD, they just moved them secretly to Syria, so sometimes, if a person uses them as a source,

Yeah National Review readers and Washington Times readers don’t have much in common. Beyond believing that Iraq had WMD maybe.

I’m partial to Saudi crowned prince myself. Genuinely would love to see the source though, it sounds like a dynamite story.


You seem to.

Then you’re cutting off almost every country in the world, including ones in the EU which continue to buy Russian gas (with rubles too mind). And China, and India, and all of MENA, and Israel, and ourselves (there isn’t actually a total US prohibition on all trade with Russia here)

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I’m not sure how the US is supposed to restrict any countries ability to trade however much or little it wants with Russia. It isn’t Iran.

Politics. I don’t think money’s a driving factor, though Douglas Bloomfield does have a point on arms sales.