
@DrakeDatsun: When I bought my blu ray copy of the Dark Knight I got a digital copy pf the movie. It was locked down to one PC, and it looked like shit.

@marius004: you are either a troll or an idiot

How the hell is this a MacBook clone? Because of the bezel? Many manufacturers are using aluminum bodies. Apple didn't invent the damn thing. Looking at this thing's profile; it looks nothing like a MacBook.

The video that I saw showed this running the old version of MOTOBLUR, not the new one that's on the Droid 2.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: The Engadet article on this is actually a lot more informative. It will be under $2000.

@hxc04: Are you serious?

@xamenek: And used panties. Don't forget those ones.

These videos are incredible. Whoever makes these is a genius at capturing his/her audience.

So I just lost my star. Earlier I wrote a comment about the two black men seeming effeminate. I can kinda see why I might, perhaps, maybe lose my star for the effeminate part. But I'm certain it's because I used the word 'Negro'.

I'm planning on getting the Seagate Momentus XT and putting it in my HDX18. Thank God for dual drives bays in huge laptops. I think the Momentus straddles the line quite nicely.

s t jst m, r dd th tw ngrs sm bt... ffmnt?

@Geisrud: As well as the GOLD BUICK. That can't be very inconspicuous.

@smkm: I know exactly what you're saying. I was born in 1990 (plus I'm from a 'third world' country) so I grew up watching and using a lot of stuff from the mid to late 80's. Not that we didn't have the newer technologies available, but my family isn't exactly affluent.

@rasharm: I had something very similar to this. It was a typewriter with the ability to attach a monitor. 'Twas mindblowing for me.

@ding-dang: Nope, Ghana beat the U.S. You guys lost to Ghana 2 nil.

@PotentChr0nic: I truly have no idea. I believe it's from an Alfred Hitchcock film.

@DJKGinHD: Garey Busey makes everything better