
A lecturer explained it to me as such; if you want to do photo editing, use Lightroom. If you want to do photo manipulation, use Photoshop. This was when I was studying photojournalism (wherein manipulating a photo beyond it's original composition is frowned upon), so take from it what you will.

If it's already loose, there doesn't have to be any blood. It was already coming out anyway.

Does anyone else think that Roboto looks a bit like Segoe/Zegoe that Microsoft uses for Zune/Windows Phone?

What you did there. I SAW IT. It is, however, a truly touching story. Glad that goodwill can reach all corners of our society. At times.

This was outed as fake quite some time ago, I believe. If it's the same one I'm thinking of.


Well, I sent you one. Have fun.


Does anyone else think that Brian Goggin might be a James Bond villain?

Spongebob used be awesome 10 years ago. It got lame in the mid 2000's

I think you misunderstood what he was saying. Their strategies are what he is referring to. I think.

Boss, they're a bunch of idiots waving around an ax at 2 a.m. Yes they're wrong, yes they could've hurt someone, but those are not reasons for going all Judge Dredd on them; you don't know if they're "WICKED AT HEART". Just... stop, for a second? And try to read and understand your own words? Hate doesn't make the

Sir, with all due respect, and I mean with all due respect, your method of reasoning is fucktarded. You can't just look at a video and assume you know the thought process. You don't know if they will reform.

Shouldn't it be "blown up" instead of "blowed up"?

I'm sure others have mentioned this but yeah... Epic Meal Time.

Yes. Yes you did.

...Are you an idiot?

Holy hell. Why the heck do so many people hate Obama? If you're gonna hate at least be well informed. Way too much vitriol here. One of the only reasons I still hang around Giz is for the community, but I feel like even that isn't enough anymore.

I have a similar one that fits my 18 inch HDX.