
@joshua05: "Second paragraph, "some of you may now" should be "some of you may know""

@mattycakes: My first account was banned by Mr. Diaz. I made a comment that pretty much summed up what most of the comments said, and then BOOM!; banhammered.

@woohoo: You just wasted an excellent opportunity my friend

@David Fruhling: Yeah, that feature has been.... featured already

Jamaica? Anyone?

@agentshmalan: Here's a trick; if you want to use flash in a Portable browser, download .xpi file for the flash player plugin, change the extension to .zip, and extract the contents into the plugin folder of the portable browser of your choice.

@Cintax: I was replying to his first comment. I've had this tab open for a while now, so the other replies weren't there yet. :/

@cullenmcd: You're lucky! I'm at the University of Technology, Jamaica. Computing students have to wait until 3rd year to choose their majors. And to change it is so difficult, some people get stuck doing something they hate.

I recently chose Multimedia Design as my major. Now I almost wish I had chosen networking. Almost. This is truly an excellent article.

First Wilson, now Mark? Who's next, Matt? Rosa?

@acjwatt: But his totem never fell at the end. And his kids are wearing the exact same clothes as they were in his memories. And Michael Caine was wearing the same clothes he was wearing the last time DiCaprio saw him.

@cool8man: Stop raging against the movie. It was excellent. Just admit that you didn't understand it.

@Julian Suga: The second set of children were the ones on the phone. Also, excellent analysis! For more JGL brouhaha watch The Lookout.

@Msj2705: You took one too many bathroom breaks.

@Gizundheit: Should've been someone from Jamaica though, just because we're more popular.

@Hunter2458: You have a problem with the Caribbean, boyo?