
Here’s the thing though... Part of what you might be feeling could be just flat out stage fright and part of it could be anticipation of people targeting you because of your ethnic background. Fears have a way of feeding of each other and combining in weird ways. But the solution is actually the same for both: “grow

I know, like “Hello, Japan? Glad I could get you on the phone. Just one question on my mind. Do you have any non-white cosplayers?”

Sure! I’ve had friends that went to Hollywood parties that had NDAs. No cell phones allowed. (I live in LA). I don’t about now but in the early 2000's you could find swinger parties on Craig’s List and sexually oriented list sites. Been to a couple. One was kind of repulsive and scary and the other was fun. There’s

Which raises the question, is Jesus kosher?

You nailed it!

Golden Shower rule?

Do this in remembrance of me

Hollywood parties. Swingers parties. Ibiza. Carnival in Rio.

To my reckoning, he’s just trying hard to avoid a player demonstrating her constitutional rights. Good business? Maybe.

Rez. Half Life 2. Batman Arkham City.

uh, no. A beinus who tries to be popular wil at least demonstrate that they can handle certain games. Coulter has only shown how unwilling the power elite are at showing any kind of export.

Sigh. I want to believe that she’s just an awesome troll but here’s the thing...

I am binge watching this again this weekend (especially the censored BET episodes). Thank you and blessings.


No. Not at all. I haven’t watched the documentaries or researched into this matter at all.

9-11 commission was woefully underfunded. I’m not a truther per se but I do know history and false flag operations are nothing new. The government routinely lies to us as a matter of policy. Why should anything surprise us at this point? The real question is whether or not it matters in the long run.

No. I think the opposite. If the original protest was useless, there would be no need to react to it and play the anthem early to pre-empt the behavior.

If they gave a hockey game and nobody came, would it still result in a fight?
